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Check npm download stats in your terminal. 💯 💻

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term-stats demo

💎 😍


Well, here we go again.

Let the awesomeness breathe. (duh!)

$ yarn global add term-stats

In case you like npm more,

$ npm i -g term-stats


Step 1. Add some pretty(🙈) config.

A config file is what helps the package display stats for only the ones you care about. In this step you are gonna create one, and put it where it belongs.

  • Add Environment variable – TERM_STATS_CONFIG

Adding an environment variable is a different procedure in every OS. If you are on windows, you can hit the window key and type Environment variables (Or you could Google). On linux/unix,

  • if you're using zsh, that's probably in your home directory's ~/.zshrc file
  • if you're using bash, that could be your bash_profile file or ~/.bashrc file
  • if you're using fish, use set -gx key value in your ~/.config/fish/config.fish file

Open the required file, and enter the following line:

export TERM_STATS_CONFIG = '/usr/lib'

Change the contents inside the quotes to wherever you want to save the file. To check if it was successful, fire a new terminal and run this,

'/usr/lib/' #Directory location of your config file. (See step 2.)


Step 2. Make a file named term-stats.json in the directory you chose above.

$ cd /usr/lib/
$ touch term-stats.json && nano term-stats.json

Feel free to open it in whatever editor you hang out with.

See the example term-stats.json to see how it works. You need to have a key named packages, which is an array of the names of packages you want the stats for.

    "packages":["express", "npm", "yarn", "bower", "react", "react-native"]

Save it and move on. You are done. The next step is gonna be brilliant.

Party Step All you have to do now is fire a terminal, and type in

$ term-stats

And the party begins.

🎉 😂

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npm i term-stats

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  • abhisheksoni27