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Component Usage Guide

To help you effectively use the components in your project, detailed documentation is provided for each component. You can find the README file for each component at the specified path format:

Path to README : src/components/component-name/README.md

Custom React Component

No Component Description
1 ActionItems ActionItems is a React component that renders a customizable menu using Material-UI's Menu and MenuItem components. It supports displaying a list of menu items with icons and optional dividers between the items.
2 Header Header is a responsive React component designed using Material-UI. It features a customizable app bar that includes a logo, search bar, buttons, and an optional profile component. The component adapts to mobile view by providing a drawer menu.
3 ProfileMenuItem A customizable ProfileMenuItem component for React applications, built with MUI.
4 Quiz The Quiz component is a flexible and interactive card component for displaying quiz information. It includes various functionalities such as editing, moving, deleting, and playing a quiz. The component is designed to be customizable and can adapt to different use cases with the help of props.
5 Sidebar A customizable sidebar component for React applications, built with MUI.
6 TabBar The TabBar component is a customizable tab navigation component built with Material-UI. It allows you to switch between different views or sections within a page, providing a clean and user-friendly interface.
7 TextFields The TextFields component is a versatile input field component built with Material-UI. It allows users to input text data and provides various customization options including different types of text inputs (e.g., password, email, number), validation, and styling to create a user-friendly form experience.
8 Button The Button component is a fundamental UI element built with Material-UI. It allows users to trigger actions or events with a single click. The component is highly customizable, offering various styles, sizes, and functionalities such as icons, loading states, and disabled states, ensuring a consistent and responsive user experience.
9 CustomizableModal The CustomizableModal component is a flexible and user-friendly modal dialog built with Material-UI. It allows developers to display important messages or prompts to users with customizable text, actions, and styles. The modal includes options for primary and secondary buttons, making it suitable for confirmation dialogs, alerts, and other interactive user prompts.
10 Dropdown The Dropdown component is a customizable select menu built with Material-UI. It provides users with a dropdown list of options from which they can select a single value. The component supports features such as custom styling, dynamic content rendering from an array of items, and an intuitive interface with open and close functionalities for improved user interaction.
11 Loader The Loader component is a simple and efficient loading indicator built with Material-UI. It uses the CircularProgress component to display a circular spinner, indicating that a task or process is in progress. The loader is centered within the viewport using a Grid container, ensuring it captures user attention and provides a clear visual cue for loading states.
12 PasswordSuggestion The PasswordSuggestion component is an informative tooltip built with Material-UI. It provides users with helpful password guidelines through a styled tooltip that appears when an info icon is clicked. The tooltip lists customizable password suggestions, enhancing user experience by guiding them to create stronger passwords. The component uses Tooltip, IconButton, and InfoIcon from Material-UI, and it is styled for clarity and ease of use.
13 DataGrid The DataGrid component is a powerful and customizable data grid built with Material-UI. It offers advanced features like server-side pagination, row selection, and column grouping. Styled for enhanced visual appeal, the DataGrid component provides a flexible and efficient way to display large sets of data in a tabular format. It is designed to handle various use cases, including those requiring checkbox selection, pagination, and more.
14 TextArea The TextArea component is a customizable multiline input field built with Material-UI. It allows users to enter larger amounts of text and supports various properties such as placeholder text, size, border styling, color, padding, and border radius. This component is ideal for forms and text input areas where extended user input is required.
15 Timer The Timer component is a countdown timer built with Material-UI. It displays the remaining time in a formatted HH:MM:SS format and updates every second. The component accepts a duration prop (in minutes) and a setExamTimeLeft callback to update the remaining time. It is ideal for use cases such as exams, quizzes, or any timed activities.
16 InfoCard The InfoCard component is a visually appealing card built with Material-UI. It displays an image, a count, and descriptive text, making it ideal for showcasing key information or statistics. The component is styled for clarity and impact, with customizable background color, padding, and border properties. The InfoCard is perfect for dashboards, summaries, and any context where highlighting information is essential.
17 Dialog The Dialog component is a customizable modal dialog built with Material-UI. It provides a flexible way to display content in a modal window with options for customizing width, padding, shadows, and border radius. The component includes a close button for user interaction and supports backdrop customization for enhanced visual appeal. Ideal for displaying alerts, messages, or interactive content that requires user attention.
18 Switch The Switch component is a customizable toggle switch built with Material-UI. It allows users to toggle between two states, such as on and off, with an optional label for clarity. The component supports customization of the switch's properties and integrates seamlessly into forms, settings, or any UI where a binary choice is required.
19 DatePicker The DatePicker component integrates a date picker functionality using Material-UI's X-date-pickers library. It leverages Day.js for date handling and localization. This component includes options for setting a label, handling date changes, displaying placeholder text, and providing error feedback. It features a customizable input label and helper text, making it suitable for forms, date selection, and any application requiring date input functionality.
20 DateRangePicker The DateRangePicker component allows users to select a date range using an intuitive popover calendar interface. This component leverages the react-date-range library for the date range picker and is styled with Material-UI components. The selected date range is displayed in a read-only text field, which can be clicked to open the date range picker. Customizable through props, it supports date formatting, initial date ranges, and more, making it suitable for forms, booking systems, and other applications requiring date range selection.


Install the necessary dependencies:

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

Install the package via npm:

npm install @7span/phoenix-react-components

Or via yarn:

yarn add @7span/phoenix-react-components


Here's a basic example of how to use the custom ActionItems component in your React application:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import ActionItems from "@7span/phoenix-react-components";
import { Icon1, Icon2 } from "@mui/icons-material"; // Replace with your actual icons

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState(null);

  const menuItems = [
      name: "Item 1",
      icon: Icon1,
      onClick: () => console.log("Item 1 clicked"),
      name: "Item 2",
      icon: Icon2,
      onClick: () => console.log("Item 2 clicked"),

  const handleClick = (event) => {

  const handleClose = () => {

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Open Menu</button>
      <ActionItems anchorEl={anchorEl} setAnchorEl={setAnchorEl} menuItems={menuItems} />

export default MyComponent;


Prop Type Default Description
anchorEl object null The DOM element used to set the position of the menu
setAnchorEl function null Function to set the anchor element for the menu
menuItems array [] Array of menu items to be displayed in the menu


You can customize the styles of the ActionItems component and its elements by modifying the sx prop in the component's JSX.


Actions Menu
Action Image


  • Krushna Mistry


If you would like to contribute to the project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)
  6. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or contact me directly at [yo@7span.com].

Made with by 7span

This README.md file provides comprehensive details about the ActionItems component, including installation instructions, usage examples, prop descriptions, customization options, and the actual component code. Let me know if you need any more adjustments!




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