
1.0.5 • Public • Published


A Babel plugin to automatically inject data-testid attributes into JSX elements for testing purposes. This plugin works with React and TypeScript projects, ensuring that all relevant elements have unique and consistent data-testid attributes, making it easier to write tests with libraries like Jest, Testing Library, or Cypress.


  • Automatically adds data-testid attributes to JSX elements.
  • Supports prefix to customize the generated test IDs.
  • Propagates parent data-testid values for nested elements.
  • Skips elements that already have a data-testid attribute.
  • Handles Material-UI component names, converting them to HTML elements when necessary.
  • Supports JSX and TSX files.


To install this plugin, use npm or yarn:

npm install testIdPlugin --save-dev


yarn add testIdPlugin --dev


You can configure the plugin by adding it to your Babel configuration (babel.config.js or .babelrc).

Example Configuration

// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [
  plugins: [
        prefix: 'my-prefix-',    // Optional: Set a custom prefix for test IDs
        include: ['src/**/*'],    // Optional: Glob pattern to include files for transformation
        exclude: ['node_modules/**'], // Optional: Glob pattern to exclude files from transformation

Plugin Options

  • prefix (optional): A string to prefix all data-testid values. Default is an empty string.
  • include (optional): An array of file paths or glob patterns to specify which files to include for transformation. Default is all files.
  • exclude (optional): An array of file paths or glob patterns to specify which files to exclude from transformation. Default is no exclusion.

How It Works

  • The plugin works by traversing the JSX elements in your code and checking if they already have a data-testid attribute.
  • If not, it generates a unique data-testid for each element by combining its parent element's data-testid, its own tag name, and a sibling index to ensure uniqueness.
  • The plugin also handles Material-UI components, such as Box, Typography, and others, mapping them to their corresponding native HTML elements (e.g., div, span).


Given the following JSX:

function MyComponent() {
  return (
        <FormControlLabel />

The plugin would transform it to:

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <div data-testid="div">
      <span data-testid="div-typography">
        <label data-testid="div-typography-label" />

Customizing the Generated Test IDs

  • The generated test ID combines the data-testid of the parent element, the element's tag name, and a sibling index to ensure uniqueness.
  • Example format: "parentTestId-elementName-siblingIndex".

If a parent data-testid is present, the plugin will propagate it to child elements.

Example Project Setup

  1. Create a babel.config.js file in your project root.
touch babel.config.js
  1. Add the following configuration to the babel.config.js file:
module.exports = {
  presets: [
  plugins: [
        prefix: 'test-',    // Optional: Custom prefix for test IDs
  1. Run Babel to transform your JSX/TSX files:
npx babel src --out-dir dist
  1. Your JSX files will now include data-testid attributes.


To contribute to this plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/testIdPlugin.git
cd testIdPlugin
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Make changes and test the plugin.

  2. To publish a new version, run:

npm version patch # or minor/major
npm publish


This plugin is open-source software, licensed under the MIT License.



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  • shashank_rai