npm install testit-adapter-codecept
Description | File property | Environment variable |
Location of the TMS instance | url | TMS_URL |
API secret key How to getting API secret key? | privateToken | TMS_PRIVATE_TOKEN |
ID of project in TMS instance How to getting project ID? | projectId | TMS_PROJECT_ID |
ID of configuration in TMS instance How to getting configuration ID? | configurationId | TMS_CONFIGURATION_ID |
ID of the created test run in TMS instance. It's necessary for adapterMode 0 or 1 |
testRunId | TMS_TEST_RUN_ID |
Parameter for specifying the name of test run in TMS instance (It's optional). If it is not provided, it is created automatically | testRunName | TMS_TEST_RUN_NAME |
Adapter mode. Default value - 0. The adapter supports following modes: 0 - in this mode, the adapter filters tests by test run ID and configuration ID, and sends the results to the test run 1 - in this mode, the adapter sends all results to the test run without filtering 2 - in this mode, the adapter creates a new test run and sends results to the new test run |
adapterMode | TMS_ADAPTER_MODE |
It enables/disables certificate validation (It's optional). Default value - true | certValidation | TMS_CERT_VALIDATION |
Mode of automatic creation test cases (It's optional). Default value - false. The adapter supports following modes: true - in this mode, the adapter will create a test case linked to the created autotest (not to the updated autotest) false - in this mode, the adapter will not create a test case |
automaticCreationTestCases | TMS_AUTOMATIC_CREATION_TEST_CASES |
Mode of automatic updation links to test cases (It's optional). Default value - false. The adapter supports following modes: true - in this mode, the adapter will update links to test cases false - in this mode, the adapter will not update link to test cases |
Add TestITHelper and TestITPlugin to Codecept file configuration
export const config: CodeceptJS.MainConfig = {
tests: './**/*_test.ts',
output: './output',
helpers: {
Playwright: {
url: 'http://localhost',
show: false,
browser: 'chromium'
TestITHelper: {
require: 'testit-adapter-codecept/build/helper.js'
plugins: {
TestITPlugin: {
require: 'testit-adapter-codecept/build/bootstrap.js',
enabled: true,
// logging
__DEV: false
include: {},
name: 'codecept-test-it-testing'
Create step.d.ts file and import TestMetadataHelper
type TestITHelper = import('testit-adapter-codecept/build/helper').TestMetadataHelper;
declare namespace CodeceptJS {
interface SupportObject { I: I, current: any }
interface Methods extends Playwright, TestITHelper {}
interface I extends WithTranslation<Methods>{}
namespace Translation {
interface Actions {}
Create .env config or file config with default name tms.config.json in the root directory of the project
"url": "URL",
"privateToken": "USER_PRIVATE_TOKEN",
"projectId": "PROJECT_ID",
"configurationId": "CONFIGURATION_ID",
"testRunId": "TEST_RUN_ID",
"testRunName": "TEST_RUN_NAME",
"adapterMode": ADAPTER_MODE,
"automaticCreationTestCases": AUTOMATIC_CREATION_TEST_CASES,
To create and complete TestRun you can use the Test IT CLI (use adapterMode 1 for parallel run):
$ testit testrun create
--url \
--project-id 5236eb3f-7c05-46f9-a609-dc0278896464 \
--testrun-name "New test run" \
--output tmp/output.txt
$ export TMS_TEST_RUN_ID=$(cat tmp/output.txt)
$ npx codeceptjs run
$ testit testrun complete
--url \
--testrun-id $(cat tmp/output.txt)
To create filter by autotests you can use the Test IT CLI (use adapterMode 1 for run with filter):
$ testit autotests_filter
--url \
--configuration-id 5236eb3f-7c05-46f9-a609-dc0278896464 \
--testrun-id 6d4ac4b7-dd67-4805-b879-18da0b89d4a8 \
--framework codeceptjs \
--output tmp/filter.txt
$ export TMS_TEST_RUN_ID=6d4ac4b7-dd67-4805-b879-18da0b89d4a8
$ npx codeceptjs run --grep "$(cat tmp/filter.txt)"
Methods can be used to specify information about autotest.
Description of metadata methods:
- a method that links autotests with manual tests. Receives the array of manual tests' IDs -
- internal autotest name (used in Test IT) -
- unique internal autotest ID (used in Test IT) -
- autotest name specified in the autotest card. If not specified, the name from the displayName method is used -
- autotest description specified in the autotest card -
- tags listed in the autotest card -
- links listed in the autotest card -
- directory in the TMS system -
- subdirectory in the TMS system
Description of methods:
- links in the autotest result -
- uploading files in the autotest result -
- information about autotest in the autotest result
'Scenario name',
externalId: '1',
displayName: 'Name',
title: 'Title',
description: 'Description',
labels: ['Custom label'],
links: [
title: 'Google about this error',
description: 'Google documents',
url: '',
type: 'Requirement',
hasInfo: true
workItemIds: ['1140']
({ I }) => {
title: 'Github page',
description: 'Github SPA page',
url: '',
type: 'Repository',
hasInfo: true
const data = new DataTable(['target', 'element']);
data.add(['', '//a[contains(., "Почта")]']);
data.add(['', '//input']);
data.add(['', '//a[contains(., "Google")]']);
Data(data).Scenario('Should render main page for all users', ({ I, current }) => {
You can help to develop the project. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
- If you have suggestions for adding or removing projects, feel free to open an issue to discuss it, or directly create a pull request after you edit the file with necessary changes.
- Please make sure you check your spelling and grammar.
- Create individual PR for each suggestion.
- Please also read through the Code Of Conduct before posting your first idea as well.
Distributed under the Apache-2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.