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Simplified Three.JS wrapper for React

The goal of this project is to allow usage of Three.JS in React without modifying Three's API in the conversion process, and to do so without monkey patching React.

Install Using NPM

npm install --save threact

Example Usage

import * as THREE from 'three';
import {WebGLRenderer, PointLight, HemisphereLight, Mesh} from 'threact';
class Root extends React.Component {
    return (
      shadowMap={{enabled: true}}
      setSize={[window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]}
      camera={new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, 1, 0.1, 1000)}
      scene={new THREE.Scene()}>
        position={[0, 2, 0]}
          geometry={new THREE.SphereGeometry( 0.02, 16, 8 )}
          material={new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
            emissive: 0xffffee,
            emissiveIntensity: 1,
            color: 0x000000
          position={[0, 0, 0]}
          rotation={[- Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}/>
        intensity={0.02} />
        geometry={new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 20, 20 )}
        material={new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
          roughness: 0.8,
          color: 0xffffff,
          metalness: 0.2,
          bumpScale: 0.0005
        rotation={[-Math.PI / 2.0, 0, 0]} />
        geometry={new THREE.SphereGeometry( 0.5, 32, 32 )}
        material={new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
          color: 0xffffff,
          roughness: 0.5,
          metalness: 1.0
        position={[1, 0.5, 1]}
        rotation={[0, Math.PI, 0]}
        castShadow={true} />


Threact will turn each method's parameters into props, so there's no confusion as to how props are mapped. The WEBGLRenderer and Mesh components will also map their instance's writable properties as props. Some of the custom props for handling the Three instances in React are below.

#### WEBGLRenderer

  • width: Integer. Sets the canvas and renderer width.
  • height: Integer. Sets the canvas and renderer height.
  • style: Object. Sets the canvas style.
  • deferred: Boolean. Controls whether or not WebGLDeferredRenderer is used.
  • controls: Function. Override the default controls scheme. By default, this uses the orbit-controls package.
  • camera: Function. Override the default camera scheme. By default, this uses the PerspectiveCamera.
  • skybox: Array. Sets the scene background using CubeTextureLoader. Expects an array of six image paths.
  • passes: Array. Loads extra passes for post processing. This uses the EffectComposer extension.
  • shaders: Array. Loads extra shaders for post processing. This uses the EffectComposer extension with ShaderPass.
  • anisotropy: Integer (1-16) Overrides the default anisotropy setting, which is the renderer's max.
  • stats: Integer. Adds performance monitoring with the stats.js package. Valid options include 0 (FPS), 1 (MS), and 2 (RAM).
  • onMouseMove: Function.
  • onMouseDown: Function.
  • onResize: Function.
  • onKeyUp: Function.
  • onKeyPress: Function.
  • onKeyDown: Function.

#### Generic

  • onMount: Function. Called after the first render.
  • onAnimate: Function. Called on each Three render.

Callback parameters include instance, renderer, scene, camera, and controls.


  • Write more tests.
  • Add a demo.

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  • jaszhix