Tibia Data API
A simple NodeJS interface to https://tibiadata.com/ API
- Characters
- Guilds
- Highscores
- Houses
- News
- Worlds
Tibia data API requires Node.js to run.
$ npm install tibia-data-api --save
How To use
const tibiaAPI = { try let characterInfo = await tibiaAPIcharacters console catch error console }
Character info
let characterInfo = await tibiaAPIcharacters
let guildByWorld = await tibiaAPIguildslet guildByName = await tibiaAPIguilds
Highscores Types: experience, magic, shielding, distance, sword, club, axe, fist, fishing, achievements and loyalty. Vocation: all, druid, knight, paladin and sorcerer.
let hgInfo = await tibiaAPIhighscoreslet hgInfoByWorldAndType = await tibiaAPIhighscoreslet hgByWorldTypeAndVocation = await tibiaAPIhighscores
Types: houses or guildhalls Cities: Ab’Dendriel, Ankrahmun, Carlin, Darashia, Edron, Farmine, Gray Beach, Kazordoon, Liberty Bay, Port Hope, Rathleton, Svargrond, Thais, Venore and Yalahar (or yeah, all the Tibia cities)
let housesByWorld = await tibiaAPIhouseslet housesByWorldAndTown = await tibiaAPIhouseslet housesByWorldAndTownAndType = await tibiaAPIhouseslet housesByWorldAndId = await tibiaAPIhouses
let latestNews = await tibiaAPInewslet newsStickers = await tibiaAPInewslet newById = await tibiaAPInews
let allWorlds = await tibiaAPIworldslet worldByName = await tibiaAPIworlds
- Gabriell Huver
- Based on https://tibiadata.com/