
0.1.2 • Public • Published


A fancy 3D timer for your website. See it in action here, here and here.


If you're using npm:

$ npm install --save timeglass-3d

Otherwise, you can just manually include Three.js and Timeglass 3D via a <script> tag:

Please note that the link below always points to the latest version of the plugin.
You can choose a specific version here.

<!-- Three.js -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/88/three.min.js"></script>

<!-- Timeglass 3D -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/timeglass-3d/lib/timeglass-3d.min.js"></script>

Getting Started

First, we'll need some markup:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Timeglass 3D — Getting Started</title>

    <!-- Embeded CSS -->
      html, body, .timeglass-3d-container {
        margin: 0;
        height: 100%;

    <div id="timeglass3DContainer" class="timeglass-3d-container"></div>

    <!-- Three.js -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/88/three.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Timeglass 3D -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/timeglass-3d/lib/timeglass-3d.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Embeded JS -->
      // Here goes our JS code...

The example below should give you a basic idea on how to use the plugin. Let's take a look:

  container: document.getElementById('timeglass3DContainer'),

  date: '10/31/2018', // A date to count from (or to count to).
  mode: 'countdown',  // Using the plugin as a countdown. By default it's used as a timer.

  theme: 'dark', // Use dark theme. By default light theme is used.

  // Set this property to the URL of an image you want to use as a background.
  // The image will also be used as a reflection on the bulbs.
  environment: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1482263231623-6121096b0d3f?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=85&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=srgb&s=24f73a95a688362711adddbbf7e578af',

  onTableMode: false,   // Set this to true to make the hourglasses behave like if they are on a table.
  lookAroundMode: true, // You'll be able to look around (using a mouse).

  hourglasses: {
    all: {
      sides: {
        material: 'glossy', // Make the framing glossy.
        color: '#4e4e6e'    // Set the color of the framing.

      sands: {
        color: '#cfcffe' // Set the color of the sand.

You can see the result here. For more information, see the section below.

API Reference

timeglass3D([props] [, noInfo] [, noWarnings]) ⇒ undefined

Param Type Default Description
[props] object {...} Plugin properties.
[noInfo] boolean false If set to true, info won't be displayed.
[noWarnings] boolean false If set to true, warnings won't be displayed.

[props] : object

Param Type Default Description
[container] HTMLElement <body> The DOM element you want the plugin to use as a container.
[date] Date string number Date.now() The date or time to count from (or to count to). It can be an instance of Date, any supported date string or amount of time in milliseconds.
[mode] "timer" "countdown" "timer" Tells whether to count up or to count down from the date mentioned above.
[theme] "lite" "dark" "lite" Light or dark theme.
[environment] string The URL to an image, that will be used as a reflection on the bulbs. If the transparent property is set to false (default), will also be used as a background.
[transparent] boolean false If set to true, the background will be transparent.
[onTableMode] boolean false If set to true, the hourglasses will rise and then go down while being turned and shadows under the hourglasses will appear.
[lookAroundMode] boolean false If set to true, you will be able to look around (using a mouse).
[hourglasses] object {...} Allows you to customize the look and feel of the hourglasses.
[scale] number 1 The scale of the scene.
[spacing] number 3.5 The distance between the hourglasses.
[offsetX] number 0 Adjusts the scene horizontally.
[offsetY] number 0 Adjusts the scene vertically.

[props.hourglasses] : object

Param Type Default Description
[all] object {...} Global properties. Will be redefined by any of the below.
[minute] object Properties of the minute hourglass (the one on the right).
[hour] object Properties of the hour hourglass (the one in the middle).
[day] object Properties of the day hourglass (the one on the left).

[props.hourglasses.{all | minute | hour | day}] : object

Param Type Default Description
[sides] object {...} Properties of the framing.
[sands] object {...} Properties of the sand.

[props.hourglasses.{all | minute | hour | day}.sides] : object

Param Type Default Description
[material] "matte" "plastic" "glossy" "plastic" The material of the framing.
[color] string number "#28282f" The color of the framing.

[props.hourglasses.{all | minute | hour | day}.sands] : object

Param Type Default Description
[color] string number "#fefe88" The color of the sand.




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