Utility for converting textual time periods to time units (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, etc..).
bignumber.js library for arithmetic operations on numbers.
Due to the lack of precision in floating point numbers arithmetic and the need of keeping the results precise the utility is using theInstall
First install the package and save it to package.json using npm:
npm install --save to-time
To require in the browser:
Both files located in lib directory already include the bignumber.js dependency and there is no need to include this module in the browser.
<!-- access using window.toTime -->
To require when using NodeJS:
const toTime = require('to-time');
Converting from textual time period to time units
; //3600//same as:; //3600 ; //17524//same as:; //17524
Useful for usage in methods such as setInterval and setTimeout which consume the second argument in milliseconds, it is much clearer for someone who will read the code.
//Instead of using 43200000 milliseconds (equivalent to 12 hours) we can do the following; //Instead of using 5400000 milliseconds (equivalent to 1.5 hour);
Allowed suffixes (all case-insensetive)
- Year, Years, Y
- Week, Weeks, W
- Day, Days, D
- Hour, Hours, H
- Minute, Minutes, M
- Second, Seconds, S
- Millisecond, Milliseconds, MS
Initializing using factory methods
It is also possible to create a a TimeFrame instance by calling the static factory methods. The result will be a TimeFrame object similar to the one that is created by invoking the function with a textual time period.
toTime; //4.5toTime; //1488
Available factory methods
- fromMilliseconds
- fromSeconds
- fromMinutes
- fromHours
- fromDays
- fromWeeks
- fromYears
Appenders methods
It is possible to add additional units to the TimeFrame object by invoking one of the appender methods on the returned instance:
; //3600toTime; //150
Available appenders:
- addMilliseconds
- addSeconds
- addMinutes
- addHours
- addDays
- addWeeks
- addYears
Getters methods
The getter methods are used to get the value of the TimeFrame object in a specific time unit.
- milliseconds : Number
- ms (alias to milliseconds)
- minutes : Number
- hours : Number
- days : Number
- weeks : Number
- years : Number
- humanize : String
Converting the TimeFrame object to human readable format
It is also possible to use to-time in order to convert time units into human readable format. Example:
const frame = toTime;frame; //15855 Years, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 11 Hours, 48 Minutes, 25 Seconds, 5 Milliseconds
Running tests
Make sure to write tests, run new & existing tests using:
npm run test -
Check for source code & tests code styling by running eslint:
npm run lint -
If tests are passing and eslint doesn't return any error -> Create pull request
To Do
- Add Karma for testing in browser environment (Currently testing server side using Mocha)