
1.0.5 • Public • Published


A customizable and accessible Toast component. You can easily style it with Tailwind CSS, as components are copied directly into your project. CVA i used for a better customization experience.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

This guide uses Next.js for demonstration purposes, but the package works in any project configured with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind.

Create a Next.js Project

Follow these steps to set up a Next.js project with TypeScript and Tailwind:

npx create-next-app@latest

Install toasty-casa

Add the toasty-casa package to your project:

npm install toasty-casa

Initialize toasty-casa

Run the following command to copy the necessary components and types into your project. This command will also update your Tailwind configuration:

npx toasty init

Usage: Add Provider

Wrap your entire application with the ToastProvider. For example, in a Next.js project, update the src/app/layout.tsx file to include the ToastProvider around the children prop:

Ensure to place the ToastProvider inside the <body> tag.

<html lang="en">
  <body className={inter.className}>

Usage: Push a toast

You can now use the pushToast function provided by the useToast hook. Here’s an example:

"use client";
import useToast from "@/hooks/useToast";

export default function Home() {
  const { pushToast } = useToast();
  return (
        className="bg-white text-black"
        onClick={() => pushToast({ message: "Hello world" })}
        Push Toast

Customization and Flexibility

Our Toast package is designed for maximum flexibility. Because the components are copied directly into your project and not compiled, you can easily modify them as needed. Use Tailwind CSS to quickly adjust styles, and manage variants with CVA for clear and straightforward customization. This direct approach ensures you can tailor every aspect of the toasts to fit your design without hassle.


Keyboard Support

All toast notifications can be closed by hitting the Esc key.

Screen Reader Support

Toast notifications will be announced in a polite manner, along with their intent. This functionality was tested using NVDA screen reader on Windows.

Component API

ToastProvider (General Configuration)

Configure global settings for all toasts in your application. These properties will apply to every toast notification unless overridden by individual toast settings.

Prop Default Type Description
position 'bottom-right' 'top-left' | 'top' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-right' Position of the toast stack.
isClickToClose true boolean Default behavior for whether toasts can be closed by clicking.
isAutoClose true boolean Default behavior for whether toasts automatically close.
closeDelay 2000 number Default duration in milliseconds for auto-closing toasts.

Toast (Particular Config)

Prop Default Type Description
message string The text message to display inside the toast.
intent notification 'notification' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'error' Each intent modify the color and the icon of the toast.
isClickToClose true boolean Whether the toast can be closed by clicking on it.
isAutoClose true boolean Whether the toast should automatically close after closeDelay.
closeDelay 2000 number Duration in milliseconds before the toast automatically closes.

Package Sidebar


npm i toasty-casa

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  • andrescasa