Tour Navigator is a React package designed to facilitate the creation of customizable tours for React websites.
To install Tour Navigator, you can use npm or yarn:
npm install tour-navigator
# or
yarn add tour-navigator
import TourNavigator from 'tour-navigator';
import { Align, Position } from "tour-navigator/lib/TourNavigator/types";
// Define your steps
const steps = [
selector: '.step1',
data: { /* Step data */ },
position: Position.LEFT,
align: Align.START
selector: '.step2',
data: { /* Step data */ },
position: Position.BOTTOM,
align: Align.CENTER
// Add more steps as needed
// Set up Tour Navigator with your steps
Check out the live demo here.
For a live interactive example, you can check out this CodeSandbox.
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
id | string | Unique identifier for the tour. | ___tournavigator-${} |
maskRadius | number | Radius of the mask around highlighted elements. | 5 |
maskPadding | number | Padding around the mask. | 5 |
maskOpacity | number | Opacity of the mask. | 1 |
maskStyle | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles for the mask. | |
maskStyleDuringScroll | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles for the mask during scroll. | |
startAt | number | Index of the step to start the tour at. | 0 |
maskHelperDistance | number | Distance between the mask and the helper element. | 10 |
screenHelperDistance | number | Distance between the screen and the helper element. | 10 |
onAfterOpen | (() => void) | null | Callback function triggered after the tour starts. | null |
onBeforeClose | (() => void) | null | Callback function triggered before the tour ends. | null |
steps | Step[] | Array of steps defining the tour. | [] |
helper | ((props: HelperProps) => ReactNode) | null | Custom helper component for each step. | null |
isOpen | boolean | Flag to control the visibility of the tour. | true |
onRequestClose | ((params: {event: MouseEvent | PointerEvent, isMask: boolean, isOverlay: boolean}) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the tour is closed. | null |
onNext | ((props: HelperProps) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the "Next" button is clicked. | null |
onPrev | ((props: HelperProps) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the "Prev" button is clicked. | null |
onMove | ((props: HelperProps) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the tour moves to the next step. | null |
scrollBehavior | 'smooth' | 'auto' | Defines the scroll behavior when moving to a new step. | 'auto' |
resizeListener | boolean | Flag to enable/disable resize listener. | true |
scrollListener | boolean | Flag to enable/disable scroll listener. | true |
mutationObserve | MutationObserverConfig | Configuration for mutation observer to watch changes in DOM. | |
overlayFill | string | Fill color of the overlay. | 'black' |
overlayOpacity | number | Opacity of the overlay. | 0.5 |
overlay | ((props: OverlayProps) => ReactNode) | null | Custom overlay component. | null |
className | string | Custom CSS class for the Tour Navigator component. | |
style | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles for the Tour Navigator component. | |
renderOverlay | boolean | Flag to enable/disable rendering of the overlay. | true |
renderHelper | boolean | Flag to enable/disable rendering of the helper component. | true |
renderElement | HTMLElement | string | The element in which the Tour Navigator will be rendered. | |
scrollingElement | HTMLElement | Document | Element | string | The element used for scrolling. | |
waitForElementRendered | boolean | Works only when mutationObserver provided, |
Tour Navigator
Tour Navigator is a React package designed to facilitate the creation of customizable tours for React websites.
## Installation
To install Tour Navigator, you can use npm or yarn:
npm install tour-navigator
# or
yarn add tour-navigator
import TourNavigator from 'tour-navigator';
import { Align, Position } from "tour-navigator/lib/TourNavigator/types";
// Define your steps
const steps = [
selector: '.step1',
data: { /* Step data */ },
position: Position.LEFT,
align: Align.START
selector: '.step2',
data: { /* Step data */ },
position: Position.BOTTOM,
align: Align.CENTER
// Add more steps as needed
// Set up Tour Navigator with your steps
Check out the live demo here.
For a live interactive example, you can check out this CodeSandbox.
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
id | string | Unique identifier for the tour. | ___tournavigator-${} |
maskRadius | number | Radius of the mask around highlighted elements. | 5 |
maskPadding | number | Padding around the mask. | 5 |
maskOpacity | number | Opacity of the mask. | 1 |
maskStyle | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles for the mask. | |
maskStyleDuringScroll | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles for the mask during scroll. | |
startAt | number | Index of the step to start the tour at. | 0 |
maskHelperDistance | number | Distance between the mask and the helper element. | 10 |
screenHelperDistance | number | Distance between the screen and the helper element. | 10 |
onAfterOpen | (() => void) | null | Callback function triggered after the tour starts. | null |
onBeforeClose | (() => void) | null | Callback function triggered before the tour ends. | null |
steps | Step[] | Array of steps defining the tour. | [] |
helper | ((props: HelperProps) => ReactNode) | null | Custom helper component for each step. | null |
isOpen | boolean | Flag to control the visibility of the tour. | true |
onRequestClose | ((params: {event: MouseEvent | PointerEvent, isMask: boolean, isOverlay: boolean}) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the tour is closed. | null |
onNext | ((props: HelperProps) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the "Next" button is clicked. | null |
onPrev | ((props: HelperProps) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the "Prev" button is clicked. | null |
onMove | ((props: HelperProps) => void) | null | Callback function triggered when the tour moves to the next step. | null |
scrollBehavior | 'smooth' | 'auto' | Defines the scroll behavior when moving to a new step. | 'auto' |
resizeListener | boolean | Flag to enable/disable resize listener. | true |
scrollListener | boolean | Flag to enable/disable scroll listener. | true |
mutationObserve | MutationObserverConfig | Configuration for mutation observer to watch changes in DOM. | |
overlayFill | string | Fill color of the overlay. | 'black' |
overlayOpacity | number | Opacity of the overlay. | 0.5 |
overlay | ((props: OverlayProps) => ReactNode) | null | Custom overlay component. | null |
className | string | Custom CSS class for the Tour Navigator component. | |
style | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles for the Tour Navigator component. | |
renderOverlay | boolean | Flag to enable/disable rendering of the overlay. | true |
renderHelper | boolean | Flag to enable/disable rendering of the helper component. | true |
renderElement | HTMLElement | string | The element in which the Tour Navigator will be rendered. | |
scrollingElement | HTMLElement | Document | Element | string | The element used for scrolling. | |
waitForElementRendered | boolean | Works only when mutationObserver provided, |
type IntersectionOption = {
root?: Element | Document | string | null; // Default: null
rootMargin?: string; // Default: dynamically adjusted
threshold?: number; // Default: dynamically adjusted
type Step = {
selector: string;
align?: Align,
position?: Position | [Position, Position, Position, Position];
data: any,
scrollIntoView?: boolean; // Default: true (Whether scroll to view element or not)
intersectionOption?: IntersectionOption | (intersectionOption: IntersectionOption) => IntersectionOption;
type HelperProps = {
id?: string;
currentStep: Step | null;
target: HTMLElement | null;
currentStepIndex: number;
previousStepIndex: number;
steps: Step[];
isScrollingIntoView: boolean; // Whether scrolling element into view or not
focus: (scrollBehavior?: 'auto' | 'smooth') => void; // programmatically focus current targe, In case it loses
goto: (stepIndex: number) => void; // goto any specific steps
next: () => void;
prev: () => void;
onRequestClose: ((params: {event: MouseEvent | PointerEvent, isMask: boolean, isOverlay: boolean}) => void) | null
Since TourNavigator is a class component, you can use ref to access various built-in methods directly for enhanced customization.
This README provides an overview of the package, its usage, props, and default props. Let me know if you need further modifications or additions!
This project is licensed under the MIT.