underscore has a method pick, it takes an object and a list of propert names, it return a new object, that has only the props that are named in the list.
That id good, for flat objects. This lib provide a function, to compile a simple schema and return a method. that method then takes an item and create a clone, that has only the props named in that schema.
the schema is compatible to superstruct.
currently are arrays only supported with a single type. it is not checked if the prop is number/string. invalid props are just removed, it will not throw errors.
I plan to use it with mongodb. Together with monk and superstruct, it will be a good alternative for mongoose and fit to the dao definitions. This module is needed not to push big uncontrolled objects into each document.
const tpick = ;var userPicker = tpick; var user1 = ;
The schema object get traversed recursive, to create a method as a string. child objects also get written into a method string. using eval the dynamic created method get created and returned to be used. so: this method should only be used for static definitions and not for user-input. The result is an extreamly fast pick method.