• The application is intended to log certain transactions in the mongodb database, each transaction has a name, status and a trace(optional), a trace has a name, status, body(json). • Each time your code runs and has the "transaction.start" method, a new transaction will be created • When using one of the methods that will update the transaction, only the most current transaction will be changed. • The transaction has five methods: - start: creates a transaction (with pending status) - alert: sets the status to alert - rejected: sets the status to rejected - error: sets the status to error - success: sets the status to success - trace: create a trace
npm i trace-prisma
To start using the project, let's configure the .env, in it an environment variable called "DATABASE_URL", which must be configured with your connection string from your mongodb.
Is necessary to call the function below, it will execute the command "npx prisma generate", in schema.prisma located inside the project
const { generateSchema } = require('trace-prisma/generate_schema')
Now let's create our transactions and traces, to create a transaction it is not mandatory to have a job_id
const { Transection } = require('trace-prisma')
const transaction = new Transection('646faf02b716b92a81bfc181') //Job id
async function test() {
await transaction.start('Transaction_name')
await transaction.trace('Transaction_name', {body: {name: 'Jhon', age: 20}}, 'success', 'traceName')
if (true){
await transaction.success('Transaction_name')