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Version License: ISC

A library for interacting with the API of the TradeOn Pulse platform.

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import { TradeOnPulseApi, ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames } from 'tradeonpulseapi';

const TradeOnPulseApiInstance = new TradeOnPulseApi("your-token");



import {ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames} from 'tradeonpulseapi';

const response = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getTable(ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames.DOTA_2, {
    market: "Steam",
    firstMarketPriceType: "Sell",
}, {
    market: "Tm",
    secondMarketPriceType: "Median90d"

const response = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getTable(ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames.DOTA_2, {
    market: "Steam",
    firstMarketPriceType: "Sell",
}, {
    market: "Tm",
    secondMarketPriceType: "Median90d"
}, {
    dotaItemTypeOptions: {
        itemRarities: ["Arcana", "Immortal"]
    salesCountPeriod: "HalfMonth",
    salesCountFilters: [{
        market: "Buff",
        period: "Month",
        salesCount: 15
    paginationRequest: {
        orderParameters: {
            key: "firstMarketPrice",
            sortOrder: "Descending"
        skipCount: 0,
        takeCount: 250

Declare types

Type Description
Game Use ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames to get game name
Market Market name
MarketType Check available method to get table data (ex: 90days, 30days)

getTable Request Parameters Table

Parameter Name Type Description
game Game The game for which to retrieve market data. It should be an enum or a string representing a supported game.
firstMarketOptions Object Options for the first market. Market The first market to compare. It should be a key of the ITradeOnPulseSupportedMarkets[Game] object.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketPriceType MarketType The price type for the first market. It should be a value of the ITradeOnPulseSupportedMarkets[Game][Market] type.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketCountFilter Object (optional) Optional count filter for the first market.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketCountFilter.minValue number The minimum value for the count filter.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketCountFilter.maxValue number The maximum value for the count filter.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketPriceFilter Object (optional) Optional price filter for the first market.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketPriceFilter.minValue number The minimum value for the price filter.
firstMarketOptions.firstMarketPriceFilter.maxValue number The maximum value for the price filter.
secondMarketOptions Object Options for the second market. SecondMarket The second market to compare. It should be a key of the ITradeOnPulseSupportedMarkets[Game] object.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketPriceType SecondMarketType The price type for the second market. It should be a value of the ITradeOnPulseSupportedMarkets[Game][SecondMarket] type.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketCountFilter Object (optional) Optional count filter for the second market.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketCountFilter.minValue number The minimum value for the count filter.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketCountFilter.maxValue number The maximum value for the count filter.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketPriceFilter Object (optional) Optional price filter for the second market.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketPriceFilter.minValue number The minimum value for the price filter.
secondMarketOptions.secondMarketPriceFilter.maxValue number The maximum value for the price filter.
options Object (optional) Additional options for filtering and pagination.
options.templateId number | string (optional) The template ID for filtering market data.
options.marketHashNameFilter string (optional) The market hash name filter for market data.
options.profitFilter Object (optional) Optional profit filter for market data.
options.profitFilter.minValue number The minimum value for the profit filter.
options.profitFilter.maxValue number The maximum value for the profit filter.
options.profitPercentFilter Object (optional) Optional profit percent filter for market data.
options.profitPercentFilter.minValue number The minimum value for the profit percent filter.
options.profitPercentFilter.maxValue number The maximum value for the profit percent filter.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions ITradeOnPulseOptions<"counter-strike"> (optional) Options for filtering Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.itemTypes CounterStrikeItemsType[] The item types to filter for Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.itemQualities CounterStrikeItemsQuality[] The item qualities to filter for Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.isStatTrack BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for stat-tracked items in Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.isSouvenir BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for souvenir items in Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.isOverstock BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter out overstocked items in Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.isSticker BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for sticker items in Counter-Strike 2.
options.counterStrikeItemTypeOptions.isGraffiti BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for graffiti items in Counter-Strike 2.
options.dotaItemTypeOptions ITradeOnPulseOptions<"dota"> (optional) Options for filtering Dota 2 items.
options.dotaItemTypeOptions.itemTypes DotaItemsType[] The item types to filter for Dota 2 items.
options.dotaItemTypeOptions.itemQualities DotaItemsQuality[] The item qualities to filter for Dota 2 items.
options.dotaItemTypeOptions.itemRarities DotaItemsRarity[] The item rarities to filter for Dota 2 items.
options.dotaItemTypeOptions.isStatTrack BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for stat-tracked items in Dota 2.
options.rustItemTypeOptions ITradeOnPulseOptions<"rust"> (optional) Options for filtering Rust items.
options.rustItemTypeOptions.itemTypes RustItemsTypes[] The item types to filter for Rust items.
options.rustItemTypeOptions.isStatTrack BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for stat-tracked items in Rust.
options.rustItemTypeOptions.isSouvenir BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for souvenir items in Rust.
options.rustItemTypeOptions.isOverstock BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter out overstocked items in Rust.
options.rustItemTypeOptions.isSticker BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for sticker items in Rust.
options.rustItemTypeOptions.isGraffiti BooleanValue Indicates whether to filter for graffiti items in Rust.
options.salesCountPeriod SalesCountPeriod (optional) The sales count period for filtering market data.
options.salesCountFilters SalesCountFilters[] (optional) The sales count filters for market data.
options.salesCountFilters[].market string The market for the sales count filter.
options.salesCountFilters[].salesCount number | null The sales count for the sales count filter. If null, the filter is not applied.
options.salesCountFilters[].period SalesCountPeriod The period for the sales count filter.
options.holdFilter Object (optional) Optional hold filter for market data.
options.holdFilter.minHold number The minimum value for the hold filter.
options.holdFilter.maxHold number The maximum value for the hold filter.
options.isOverstock BooleanValue (optional) Indicates whether to filter out overstocked items.
options.paginationRequest Object (optional) Options for pagination.
options.paginationRequest.orderParameters Object (optional) Order parameters for pagination.
options.paginationRequest.orderParameters.key PaginationKey The key for the order parameter.
options.paginationRequest.orderParameters.direction PaginationDirection The direction for the order parameter.
options.paginationRequest.takeCount number (optional) The limit for the number of items per page.
options.paginationRequest.skipCount number (optional) The offset for the pagination.

getTable Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
itemName.marketHashName string The market hash name of the item.
(dota) itemName.itemType string The type of the item in Dota 2.
(dota) itemName.itemQuality string The quality of the item in Dota 2.
(dota) itemName.itemRarity string The rarity of the item in Dota 2.
(rust) itemName.itemType string The type of the item in Rust.
(rust) itemName.itemCategory string The category of the item in Rust.
(cs2) itemName.isStatTrak boolean Indicates whether the item is StatTrak in Counter-Strike 2.
(cs2) itemName.isSouvenir boolean Indicates whether the item is a souvenir in Counter-Strike 2.
(cs2) itemName.itemTypeName string The type name of the item in Counter-Strike 2.
(cs2) itemName.skinName string The skin name of the item in Counter-Strike 2.
imageUrl string The URL of the item's image. number The unique identifier of the first market.
firstMarket.price number The price of the item in the first market.
firstMarket.realPrice number The real price of the item in the first market.
firstMarket.overriddenPrice number The overridden price of the item in the first market.
firstMarket.realPriceCurrency string The currency of the real price in the first market.
firstMarket.bestOfferCount number The count of the best offers in the first market.
firstMarket.totalOffersCount number The total count of offers in the first market.
firstMarket.historyUpdateTime number The update time of the history in the first market.
firstMarket.offersUpdateTime number The update time of the offers in the first market.
firstMarket.overstockInfo any The overstock information of the item in the first market.
firstMarket.holdInfoResponse any The hold information response of the item in the first market. number The unique identifier of the second market.
secondMarket.price number The price of the item in the second market.
secondMarket.realPrice number The real price of the item in the second market.
secondMarket.overriddenPrice number The overridden price of the item in the second market.
secondMarket.realPriceCurrency string The currency of the real price in the second market.
secondMarket.bestOfferCount number The count of the best offers in the second market.
secondMarket.totalOffersCount number The total count of offers in the second market.
secondMarket.historyUpdateTime number The update time of the history in the second market.
secondMarket.offersUpdateTime number The update time of the offers in the second market.
secondMarket.overstockInfo any The overstock information of the item in the second market.
secondMarket.holdInfoResponse any The hold information response of the item in the second market.
profit number The profit or loss made on the trade.
profitPercent number The profit or loss percentage made on the trade.
isFavorite boolean Indicates whether the item is a favorite.
itemPopularity Array[] The popularity information of the item across different markets.
itemPopularity[].market string The name of the market.
itemPopularity[].salesCount number The number of sales for the item in the market.
itemPopularity[].marketItemUrl string The URL of the item in the market.


import {ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames} from 'tradeonpulseapi';

const availableMarkets = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getAvailableMarkets(ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames.DOTA_2);

Request Parameters Table

Parameter Name Type Description
game ETradeOnPulseSupportedGames The game for which the available markets should be retrieved.

Response Data Table.

Property Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the market.
name string The name of the market.
logoUrl string The URL of the market's logo.
description string A brief description of the market.

returns Array


const currencies = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getMarketCurrencies();

getMarketCurrencies Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the currency.
currency string The currency.
shortName string The short name of the currency.
longName string The name of the currency.
asciiSymbol string The asciiSymbol of the currency.
symbol string The symbol of the currency.

returns Array


const currencies = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getSteamCurrencies();

getSteamCurrencies Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the currency.
name string The name of the currency.
symbol string The symbol of the currency.
rate number The exchange rate of the currency.

returns Array


const userData = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getUserData();

getUserData Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the user.
username string The username of the user.
balance.standard number The standard balance of the user.
balance.bonus number The bonus balance of the user. number The total balance of the user (standard + bonus). number The unique identifier of the user's profile picture.
profilePictureResponse.imageUrl string The URL of the user's profile picture.
email string The email of the user.
settings.selectionTime number The selection time setting for the user.
settings.countDisplayMode string The count display mode setting for the user.


const subscriptions = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getSubscriptions();

getSubscriptions Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
price1Month number The price of the 1-month subscription.
fullPrice1Month number The full price of the 1-month subscription.
price1MonthWithoutPromo number The price of the 1-month subscription without promotion.
price1MonthDiscount number The discount on the 1-month subscription.
price3Month number The price of the 3-month subscription.
fullPrice3Month number The full price of the 3-month subscription.
price3MonthWithoutPromo number The price of the 3-month subscription without promotion.
price3MonthDiscount number The discount on the 3-month subscription.
price6Month number The price of the 6-month subscription.
fullPrice6Month number The full price of the 6-month subscription.
price6MonthWithoutPromo number The price of the 6-month subscription without promotion.
price6MonthDiscount number The discount on the 6-month subscription.


const subscriptionStatus = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getUserSubscriptionStatus();

getUserSubscriptionStatus Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
period SubscriptionsPeriod The subscription period.
expireTime number The expiration time of the subscription.
isExpired boolean Indicates whether the subscription has expired.
isAutoEnlargementEnabled boolean Indicates whether the auto-enlargement feature is enabled for the subscription.


const response = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.extendUserSubscription("Month", true);

extendUserSubscription Request Params Table

Parameter Name Type Description
period SubscriptionsPeriod ("Monthly", "Quarterly", "Half") The period of the subscription to extend.
isAutoEnlargementEnabled boolean Indicates whether the subscription's auto-enlargement feature should be enabled.

extendUserSubscription Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description


const depositServices = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getAvailableDepositServices();

getAvailableDepositServices Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
id number The unique identifier of the deposit service.
name string The name of the deposit service.
logoUrl string The URL of the deposit service's logo.
description string A brief description of the deposit service.


const response = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.requestDepositUrl(100, "Steam");

requestDepositUrl Request Params Table

Parameter Name Type Description
amount number The amount to deposit.
paymentType string The payment type for the deposit.

requestDepositUrl Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
paymentId number The payment ID associated with the deposit request.
paymentUrl string The URL for the deposit.


const paymentStatus = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getPaymentStatus(123);

getPaymentStatus Request Params Table

Parameter Name Type Description
paymentId number The payment ID for which to check the status.

getPaymentStatus Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
paymentId number The payment ID associated with the payment.
amount number The amount of the payment.
status PaymentStatus The status of the payment.


const commissionSettings = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.getCommissionSettings();

getCommissionSettings Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
market string The market associated with the commission setting.
commission number The commission percentage for the market.
bonus number The bonus percentage for the market.

returns Array


const commissionSettings = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.resetCommissionSettings();

resetCommissionSettings Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
market string The market associated with the commission setting.
commission number The commission percentage for the market.
bonus number The bonus percentage for the market.

returns Array


const commissionSettings = await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.updateCommissionSettings();

updateCommissionSettings Request Params Table

Parameter Name Type Description
settings ITradeOnPulseCommissionSettings[] An array of commission settings to update.
settings[].market string The market associated with the commission setting.
settings[].commission number The commission percentage for the market.
settings[].bonus number The bonus percentage for the market.

updateCommissionSettings Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description
market string The market associated with the commission setting.
commission number The commission percentage for the market.
bonus number The bonus percentage for the market.

returns Array


await TradeOnPulseApiInstance.setCurrency("USD");

SetCurrency Request Parameters Table

Parameter Name Type Description
currency string The currency to set for the user.

SetCurrency Response Data Table

Property Name Type Description


👤 themod

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