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0.3.9 • Public • Published

TransactAPI Javascript SDK

This is a library javascript wrapper functions for endpoints as specified in the documentation of Transact API, provided by North Capital Private Securities (NCPS).

TransactAPI is a RESTful API that enables broker-dealers, funding platforms, and issuers to conduct online private securities offerings. Our standards-based API toolkit can be quickly and easily integrated with proprietary platforms, saving development time and money. Issuers, intermediaries, and advisors can benefit from TransactAPI’s straight-through processing of private placement transactions, which enables higher transaction volumes, expands access to investors, and reduces processing times.

Author's Notes

This is in no way an official SDK provided by the company itself. However, since I use a lot of javascript in my daily work life, I figured I could create a library and share it with others in a more open-source format.

For those who wish to help during Hacktoberfest (or any time else!), please submit a PR. Check the contribution section for more information.


You will need to acquire both a clientID and developerAPIKey from NCPS - this happens when you subscribe to them as a customer of their services.

Each API endpoint will require both in order to get the response to fully work.


npm install transactapi-js --save
yarn add transactapi-js
pnpm add transactapi-js


// Javascript, CJS
const transactapi = require("transactapi-js");

(function () {
  const getAccount = transactapi.getAccount;
  const payload = {
    clientID: "",
    developerAPIKey: "",
    accountId: "",
  getAccount(payload).then((account) => {
    const name = account.accountName;
// Javascript, ES6
import getAccount from "transactapi-js/getAccount";

async () => {
  const payload = {
    clientID: "",
    developerAPIKey: "",
    accountId: "",
  const account = await getAccount(payload);
  const name = account.accountName;
// Typescript
import getAccount, { GetAccountPayload } from "transactapi-js/getAccount";

(async () => {
  const payload: GetAccountPayload = {
    clientID: "",
    developerAPIKey: "",
    accountId: "",
  const account = await getAccount(payload);
  const name = account.accountName;

How to Contribute

Take a look at the documentation, find which endpoint hasn't been covered yet. Normally, you will want to do the following on github:

  1. Open an issue

  2. Open a pull request addressing the issue

  3. Create a folder in /src with the name of the ENDPOINT. Create the following files:

    • /src/ENDPOINT/index.ts - function file to call the api endpoint
    • /src/ENDPOINT/index.spec.ts - test file to mock the api calls
    • /src/ENDPOINT/types.ts - types file just for this specific endpoint
    • /src/ENDPOINT/enums.ts - enums file (optional)
  4. Once all the lints/tests pass locally, edit package.json and bump the version number (e.g. 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2).

  5. Await the PR to be approved!



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  • brownrw8