Provides an interface for encoding and decoding among character sets.
var Transcoder = require("transcode").Transcoder;
var Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer;
var transcoder = new Transcoder(sourceCharset, targetCharset)
var state = {
"source": new Buffer(10),
"target": new Buffer(10)
The state object can be initialized with and may be updated to include:
- source: the source buffer
- target: the target buffer
- sourceStart: the read head, defaults to 0
- sourceStop: the read boundary, defaults to start.length
- targetStart: the write head, defaults to 0
- targetStop: the write boundary, defaults to target.length
- error: an error message, if one occurs, one of:
- "resize"
- "invalid"
- "incomplete"
- message: human readable form of the error
- nonReversible: an accumulator for non-reversible character conversions