
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Protect your app against brute force tentatives.

More and more Node.js applications are victims of brute-force attack if you have an authentication space. Trap.js was designed to lock those users.

Trap.js can store all connexion attempt during a predefined time and ban user if he got much connect attempt. But that's not all! Trap.js will check if an account is a victim of brute force attacks and if it does, it will temporarily lock it!

Quick Start


$ npm install trapjs

Basic Usage

// Include Trapjs
var trapjs = require('trapjs');

// Basic login attempt
trapjs.loginAttempt('accountID', '', function(err) {
    if (err) {
        // err.code                     :: 'E_ACCOUNT_LOCK' :: Account is temporary locked
        // err.code                     :: 'E_USER_BAN'     :: User is temporary banned
        // err.account.lockTime         :: 173              :: Time remaining until unlock account (if account is locked)
        // err.user.banTime             :: 125              :: Time remaining until unban (if user is banned)
    } else {
        // Begin connection request
        if (login == 'yourLogin' && password == 'password') {
            // Your members look's like OK
        } else {
            // Add an attempt into Trapjs cause, wrong login/password
            trapjs.addAttempt('accountID', '');

The "loginAttempt" method check if account and ip are not banned/locked.

DO NOT FORGET TO ADD ATTEMPT WITH "trapjs.addAttempt('accountID', '');"
This method will be used to lock account or ban the user if repeated authentication.

Configure protocols

Actually in dev but Local protocol works correctly

// The default protocol used by  Trapjs the "local protocol" but you can define an other (redis for example).
redisProtocol = {
    protocol : 'redis',
    port: 6379,             // Redis port
    host: '',      // Redis host
    family: 4,              // 4(IPv4) or 6(IPv6)
    password: 'auth',       // Redis password
    db: 0,                  // db 0
    dbPrefix : '__trap'     // Data prefix

// Define the new protocol

// Schema of local protocol
localProtocol = {
    protocol : 'local'

Configure jails

// You can customise jail configuration (this is the default configuration)
var jailConfig = {
    accountLockEnable : true,   // Enables accounts protection
    accountFindTime : 3600,     // Store login attempt on account during 1 hours
    accountLockTime : 600       // Lock account during 10 minutes
    accountMaxRetry : 15        // 15 connexion attempt before lock account temporary
    userFindTime : 3600,        // 1 hour by default
    userBanTime : 7200          // Ban IP during 2 hours
    userMaxRetry : 10           // 10 connexion attempt before ban user

// Apply configuration

Some usefull utils

// Unban user
trapjs.unbanUser('0, 0, 0, 0');
trapjs.unbanUser(['100, 100, 100, 100', '50, 50, 50, 50']);

// Ban user during selected time
trapjs.banUser('0, 0, 0, 0', 3600);

// Unlock account

// Lock account during time
trapjs.lockAccount('accountID', 3600);

// Allow IPs for direct login attempt
trapjs.allowIP(['0, 0, 0, 0', '']);

// Get the list of users actually banned
trapjs.getBannedUsers(function(res) {
    // res[0].attempts  :: List of users attemps => attempts[0].account :: attempts[0].date
    // res[0].ip        ::
    // res[0].endBan    :: Date end of ban as timestamp format (with milliseconds)

// Get the list of users
trapjs.getUsers(function(res) {
    // res[0].attempts[0].accountID     :: "Seb"
    // res[0].attempts[0].date          :: 199787650050
    // res[0].ip                        :: ""
    // res[0].endBan                    :: 199787650050

// Get the list of accounts actually locked
trapjs.getLockedAccounts(function(res) {
    // res[0].attempts  :: List of users attemps => attempts[0].ip :: attempts[0].date
    // res[0].accountID :: The accountID as string
    // res[0].endLock   :: Date end of lock as timestamp format (with milliseconds)

// Get the list of accounts
trapjs.getAccounts(function(res) {
    // res[0].attempts[0].ip            :: ""
    // res[0].attempts[0].date          :: 199787650050
    // res[0].accountID                 :: "Seb"
    // res[0].endLock                   :: 199787650050

Running tests

Start a Redis server on, and then:

$ npm test

FLUSH ALL will be invoked after each test, so make sure there's no valuable data in it before running tests.

Join in!

I'm happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and any other improvements.

And since I'm not an English native speaker (i'm French :p) so if you find any grammar mistake in the documentation, please also let me know. :)


  • Add an EventEmitter when user is ban, account is locked...
  • Implements Redis protocol (with ioredis)
  • Add protocol injection to add your custom protocols into Trap.js
  • Beautify docs/explanations
  • Merge utility under protocols



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Last publish


  • dhumez-sebastien