The package is not maintained anymore!
Easy secure data encryption for travis - without the gems!
npm install -g travis-tools
build status
You have to create a «travis.js» file in your project root directory. That file should contain the data you like to encrypt. In your project you may use the «ee-travis» library to load the secure data either from the travis.js file or the env variables set by travis.
Don't forget to add this file to your .gitignore!
module.exports = {
DB_HOST: 'mysecureHost.tld'
, DB_PASS: 'bestPasswordEver'
, DB_PORT: 1337
In your project you can load the variables using the following code
var travis = require('ee-travis');
var mySecurePasswordString = travis.get('DB_HOST');
// mysecureHost -> either loaded from the travis.js or the env variable
execute all commands in your project root or sepcify which repo to use using the --repository=githubUserName/repositoryName cmd switch
travis-tools encrypt
optional flags:
- --save results to .travis.yml file
- --repository=githubUserName/repositoryName ( must be provided when executed not inside a folger with a git repository )
travis pro
travis-tools encrypt --pro
optional flags:
- --username=githubUserName
- --password=githubPassword
- --save results to .travis.yml file
- --repository=githubUserName/repositoryName ( must be provided when executed not inside a folger with a git repository )
- 0.1.0: intial release
- 0.1.1: fixed bugs in path resolution
- 0.1.2: bugfix release
- 0.1.2: fixed docs