Truffle cost
This module allows to log used gas of transactions in your Truffle tests, and optionally price in fiat.
Works with Truffle v5 and v4!
1) Install
yarn add truffle-cost
(or npm instead of yarn)
2) Edit truffle-config.js / truffle.js
In the mocha section (Truffle v5) use the reporter mocha-truffle-reporter:
mocha: {
reporter: "mocha-truffle-reporter"
For Truffle v4, just add a Mocha section, like the networks section:
module.exports = {
// See <>
// to customize your Truffle configuration!
networks: {
ganache: {
host: "",
port: 7545,
network_id: "5777"
mocha: {
reporter: "mocha-truffle-reporter"
3) Use in your Truffle tests
Add it on top of your .js test:
const truffleCost = require('truffle-cost');
Use it like this for instance:
result = await truffleCost.log(
In result you will have the same thing as if you just did
result = await yourContract.yourFunction();
To have the price in fiat, as well, add an option 'USD', 'EUR', 'RUR' or 'GBP':
result = await truffleCost.log(
Donations in Ethereum and / or tokens are warmly accepted if you use and like this project: