Cli argument parser for typescript
npm i ts-argparser
bun i ts-argparse
import argparse from 'ts-argparser'
import color from 'sscolors'
name: String this is the name of the option
aliases: [String] this is an array of any command line argument you want to activate this option
description: String this is the description of the option(will be displayed in the help command)
action: function this is the function that will be called when the option is activated
type (optional): string if you want the flag to take in data typed after it (EX: --host {data} ) you should specify the type as "nf" stating that this option will take in data
args: string if you want the flag to take in data, you should specify what data it takes in here and the type of the data (will be displayed in the help command) EX: "host: number"
if you want the data after the flag to be passed into your option as a parameter, you should specify wantsData as true
you should also allow the action function to take in a parameter with a type of any to be able to acsess this data, not doing so may result in an error
name: "test",
aliases: [
"-test", "--test"
action: actions.method,
description: "test",
args: "test: string",
wantsData: true,
type: "nf"
//define the arguments for the parser to look for and thier coorosponding actions
const optionDefinitions = [
name: "version",
aliases: [
"-v", "--version"
description: "Display the version of Strap.",
action: actions.version
name: "test",
aliases: [
"-test", "--test"
action: actions.method,
description: "test",
args: "test: string",
wantsData: true,
type: "nf"
class actions {
static version() {
console.log(color.bold(` Strap version ${color.italic(color.magenta(decoded.version))}`)))
console.log(color.bold(` Node version ${color.italic(color.magenta(process.version))}`)))
if (JSON.stringify(process.versions).includes('bun')) {
console.log(color.bold(` Bun version ${color.italic(color.magenta(process.versions.bun))}`)))
} else {
console.log(color.bold(` Bun Not Installed 😔`)))
static method(data: any) {
console.log('thas tha method', data)
Functions inside can be used with actions.{function}
You can specify if you want a help command or not with the optional help argument in the argparse function
add `"resolveJsonModule": true,` to the tsconfig.json
import * as pj from './package.json';
Add the function below your options and actions and call the function
argparse(optionDefinitions, true, pj)
argparse(yourOptions, help command(true or false), your package.json if you want a version command)
argparse(optionDefinitions, false , pj)