
1.3.2 • Public • Published


This CLI script inserts into all entities of all d.ts files, the comments //@ts-ignore.

This can be useful if you get errors in your d.ts files and your application does not build (e.g. if you have a project on ts 3.5.3).

How to use:

npm i -g ts-ignore-comment-dts

ts-ignore-comment-dts -t ./dist-path


tsigr -t ./dist-path


npx ts-ignore-comment-dts -t ./dist-path


  • Node >=16 <17

Source file

example.d.ts file

export default EsriJSON;
export type EsriJSONFeature = import("arcgis-rest-api").Feature;
export type EsriJSONFeatureSet = import("arcgis-rest-api").FeatureSet;
export type EsriJSONGeometry = import("arcgis-rest-api").Geometry;
export type EsriJSONPoint = import("arcgis-rest-api").Point;
export type EsriJSONPolyline = import("arcgis-rest-api").Polyline;
export type EsriJSONPolygon = import("arcgis-rest-api").Polygon;
export type EsriJSONMultipoint = import("arcgis-rest-api").Multipoint;
export type EsriJSONHasZM = import("arcgis-rest-api").HasZM;
export type EsriJSONPosition = import("arcgis-rest-api").Position;
export type EsriJSONSpatialReferenceWkid = import("arcgis-rest-api").SpatialReferenceWkid;
export type EsriJSONMultiPolygon = {
     * Rings for the MultiPolygon.
    rings: Array<Array<Array<Array<number>>>>;
     * If the polygon coordinates have an M value.
    hasM?: boolean | undefined;
     * If the polygon coordinates have a Z value.
    hasZ?: boolean | undefined;
     * The coordinate reference system.
    spatialReference?: import("arcgis-rest-api").SpatialReferenceWkid | undefined;

export type Options = {
     * Geometry name to use when creating features.
    geometryName?: string | undefined;
 * @typedef {Object} Options
 * @property {string} [geometryName] Geometry name to use when creating features.
 * @classdesc
 * Feature format for reading and writing data in the EsriJSON format.
 * @api

declare class EsriJSON extends JSONFeature {
     * @param {Options} [options] Options.
    constructor(options?: Options | undefined);
     * Name of the geometry attribute for features.
     * @type {string|undefined}
     * @private
    private geometryName_;
     * @param {Object} object Object.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options.
     * @param {string} [idField] Name of the field where to get the id from.
     * @protected
     * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature.
    protected readFeatureFromObject(object: any, options?: import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions | undefined, idField?: string | undefined): import("../Feature.js").default;
     * @param {EsriJSONGeometry} object Object.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options.
     * @protected
     * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry.
    protected readGeometryFromObject(object: EsriJSONGeometry, options?: import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions | undefined): import("../geom/Geometry.js").default;
     * Encode a geometry as a EsriJSON object.
     * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options.
     * @return {EsriJSONGeometry} Object.
     * @api
    writeGeometryObject(geometry: import("../geom/Geometry.js").default, options?: import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions | undefined): EsriJSONGeometry;
     * Encode an array of features as a EsriJSON object.
     * @param {Array<import("../Feature.js").default>} features Features.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options.
     * @return {EsriJSONFeatureSet} EsriJSON Object.
     * @api
    writeFeaturesObject(features: Array<import("../Feature.js").default>, options?: import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions | undefined): EsriJSONFeatureSet;
import JSONFeature from './JSONFeature.js';
//# sourceMappingURL=EsriJSON.d.ts.map

Modified File

example.d.ts file

export default EsriJSON;
export type EsriJSONFeature = import("arcgis-rest-api").Feature;
export type EsriJSONFeatureSet = import("arcgis-rest-api").FeatureSet;
export type EsriJSONGeometry = import("arcgis-rest-api").Geometry;
export type EsriJSONPoint = import("arcgis-rest-api").Point;
export type EsriJSONPolyline = import("arcgis-rest-api").Polyline;
export type EsriJSONPolygon = import("arcgis-rest-api").Polygon;
export type EsriJSONMultipoint = import("arcgis-rest-api").Multipoint;
export type EsriJSONHasZM = import("arcgis-rest-api").HasZM;
export type EsriJSONPosition = import("arcgis-rest-api").Position;
export type EsriJSONSpatialReferenceWkid = import("arcgis-rest-api").SpatialReferenceWkid;
export type EsriJSONMultiPolygon = {
     * Rings for the MultiPolygon.
    rings: Array<Array<Array<Array<number>>>>;
     * If the polygon coordinates have an M value.
    hasM?: boolean | undefined;
     * If the polygon coordinates have a Z value.
    hasZ?: boolean | undefined;
     * The coordinate reference system.
    spatialReference?: import("arcgis-rest-api").SpatialReferenceWkid | undefined;
export type Options = {
     * Geometry name to use when creating features.
    geometryName?: string | undefined;
 * @typedef {Object} Options
 * @property {string} [geometryName] Geometry name to use when creating features.
 * @classdesc
 * Feature format for reading and writing data in the EsriJSON format.
 * @api
declare class EsriJSON extends JSONFeature {
     * @param {Options} [options] Options.
    constructor(options?: Options | undefined);
     * Name of the geometry attribute for features.
     * @type {string|undefined}
     * @private
    private geometryName_;
     * @param {Object} object Object.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options.
     * @param {string} [idField] Name of the field where to get the id from.
     * @protected
     * @return {import("../Feature.js").default} Feature.
    protected readFeatureFromObject(object: any, options?: import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions | undefined, idField?: string | undefined): import("../Feature.js").default;
     * @param {EsriJSONGeometry} object Object.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions} [options] Read options.
     * @protected
     * @return {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} Geometry.
    protected readGeometryFromObject(object: EsriJSONGeometry, options?: import("./Feature.js").ReadOptions | undefined): import("../geom/Geometry.js").default;
     * Encode a geometry as a EsriJSON object.
     * @param {import("../geom/Geometry.js").default} geometry Geometry.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options.
     * @return {EsriJSONGeometry} Object.
     * @api
    writeGeometryObject(geometry: import("../geom/Geometry.js").default, options?: import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions | undefined): EsriJSONGeometry;
     * Encode an array of features as a EsriJSON object.
     * @param {Array<import("../Feature.js").default>} features Features.
     * @param {import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions} [options] Write options.
     * @return {EsriJSONFeatureSet} EsriJSON Object.
     * @api
    writeFeaturesObject(features: Array<import("../Feature.js").default>, options?: import("./Feature.js").WriteOptions | undefined): EsriJSONFeatureSet;
import JSONFeature from './JSONFeature.js';
//# sourceMappingURL=EsriJSON.d.ts.map


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