
1.1.1 • Public • Published

TS Leaky Bucket

Port of leaky-bucket to Typescript. Original package was using experimental modules which required a runtime flag and also didn't have nice Typescript types.


Implementation of a leaky bucket algorithm to support throttling / rate limiting. Check out ts-request-rate-limiter if you are looking for a library to limit client requests (e.g. rate limiting requests to an API).


npm i ts-leaky-bucket


Create a LeakyBucket

Constructor Options

  • capacity - unit of capacity of a bucket
  • intervalMillis - time to fully drain the bucket
  • timeoutMillis - time to queue additional items over capacity
import { LeakyBucket, LeakyBucketOptions } from "ts-leaky-bucket";
const options: LeakyBucketOptions = {
  capacity: 120,
  intervalMillis: 60_000,
  timeoutMillis: 300_000,
// constructor takes `LeakyBucketOptions`
const bucket = new LeakyBucket(options);
// OR just use constructor directly
// constructor with options
const bucket = new LeakyBucket({
  capacity: 120,
  intervalMillis: 60_000,
  timeoutMillis: 300_000,


Way to add things to a bucket and then wait for the bucket to leak them.

maybeThrottle(cost: number = 1, append: boolean = true, isPause: boolean = false): Promise<void>

  • cost - how much unit capacity to take for this maybeThrottle
  • append - add to back of queue or beginning
  • isPause - used to denote an item being a pause request
import { LeakyBucket, LeakyBucketOptions } from "ts-leaky-bucket";
const bucket = new LeakyBucket({
  capacity: 120,
  intervalMillis: 60_000,
  timeoutMillis: 300_000,
async myBizLogicToThrottle()void {
  // wait for bucket to say we are ready
  await maybeThrottle(20); // 20 units of capacity
  // now do work


Two ways to pause the bucket from leaking:

  • pause(millis = 1000) - pause the bucket from leaking for given millis
  • pauseByCost(cost: number) - pauses the bucket from leaking for a given for cost
// create bucket
// do throttled work
// pause leaking for a second
await bucket.pause();
// pause for 100 units of cost
await bucket.pauseForCost(100);
// do more thottled work

Await Empty

If you want to wait for all items to leak out of a bucket you can use awaitEmpty.

// create bucket
// do throttled work
// wait for bucket to empty
await bucket.awaitEmpty();

Other Methods

  • pay(cost: number) - post-hoc leak after a throttle to pay down additional unit cost
  • stopTimerAndClearQueue - clear the timer and queue

Development Commands

  • npm i - install deps
  • npm run test - run tests
  • npm run publish - publish


I've changed the code a bit from the original:

  • Naming changes
    • isEmpty => awaitEmpty to capture that a call to this waits until the queue empties
    • throttle => maybeThrottle to capture that it may return immediately if there is capacity or wait if not
    • interval => intervalMillis clarify unit of time
    • timeout => additionalTimeoutMillis clarify unit of time and also make clear this is in addition to intervalMillis
    • requestRate => requestRateInSecs clarify unit of time
  • API Changes
    • Uses milliseconds as the time unit instead of a mix between seconds and milliseconds
    • Does not allow post creation options changing; Original allows updating capacity, interval, timeout at runtime which I didn't want to encourage
    • additionalTimeoutMillis is added to intervalMillis instead of treated as a independent variable
    • pause(millis: number) uses milliseconds instead of seconds to be consistent
    • uses getters instead of getXXX for reading options back out




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