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Turiy MySQL Package

This package is made on mysql2 and next. The functions exported here is treated as server side functions. This package is able to create connection with your MySQL database and handle user authentication.

Recommended to use inside server components or use server files.

Environment Variables

Remember to add following at your .env.local

  • CRYPTO_PASSWORD [optional]

Queries with where clause

Select queries

  user: { where: "(userId, password) IN (('123456789', 'P#@$%745458'))" },
// or
select({ user: { where: "rating>2000" } });

Update queries

  { item: { price: 200, discount: 5 } },
  { where: "(itemId) IN (('IT78945'))" }
// or
update({ item: { price: 200, discount: 5 } }, { where: "price=300" });

Delete queries

del({ item: { where: "(itemId) IN (('IT78945'))" } });
// or
del({ item: { where: "price<10" } });

Queries without where clause

These queries only checks the equality of the given fields.

Select queries

select({ user: { userId: 123456789, password: "P#@$%745458" } });

Update queries

update({ item: { price: 200, discount: 5 } }, { itemId: "IT78945" });

Delete queries

del({ item: { itemId: "IT78945" } });

Other queries

Insert queries

insert({ item: { itemId: "IT78945", price: 300, discount: 15 } });

You can directly executes any SQL queries including complex queries with the execute.

execute("SELECT ...");
execute("INSERT ...");
execute("UPDATE ...");
execute("DELETE ...");


Following functions are provided to handle authentication.


signin = async (userTable: Table): Promise<Tuple|undefined>

This function takes the user table-name and field information to check whether the given information exists inside database or not. If exists it returns the tuple containing complete user information as defined by your user table of your database; otherwise returns undefined.

//_Examples are given here_
signin({ user: { id: "my-user-id", password: "my-password" } });
// or
signin({ user: { emailId: "my-user-id", password: "my-password" } });
signin({ user: { emailId: "my-user-id", password: "my-password", active: 1 } });


You only need to invoke signout()

Auth check client to server

authCheck = async (): Promise<Tuple|undefined>

After successfully signed-in this function is invoked for every request to see whether the user is signed-in or not. If the user is authentic and signed-in user, then it returns the tuple containing complete user information as defined by your user table of your database; otherwise returns undefined.

This function works only when the request is made directly from the user's browser.

Auth check client to middleware (server) to api (server)

authCheckFor = async ({sessionCipher, ip, agent}: BrowserClientAuth): Promise<Tuple|undefined>

This function works exactly same way as the above function authCheck. The only difference is that it allows the middleware to communicate with the api existing in the same server to validate the user authentication.

Since middleware doesn't have access to full functionality of server, it sometimes use api call to get information from the server.

  • At first middleware invokes the browserClientAuth function. getBrowserClientAuth = async (): Promise<BrowserClientAuth | undefined>.
const clientAuth = await getBrowserClientAuth();
  • Then middleware uses fetch or axios to invoke an auth check api.
//Inside `middleware` this `api` is invoked
const response = await fetch("<api-url>", {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify(clientAuth),
const userInfo = await response.json();
  • Then the api, that may be declared as follows, uses authCheckFor to validate the end user authentication. and response the user information to the middleware.
//The `api` can be written as follows:
export async function POST(req: Request) {
  const { sessionCipher, ip, agent } = await req.json();
  const user = await authCheckFor({ sessionCipher, ip, agent });
  return Response.json(user);

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