Generating ERD for TypeORM data sources in Mermaid JS or PlantUML
Currently programmatic usage is the only supported usage method:
Create a new project with typeorm if you haven't got one
npx typeorm init --name basic --database postgres
Add the package as a dev dependency:
yarn add --dev typeorm-erd
Render the ERD from your local machine:
// src/data-source.ts
import { ERDBuilder } from "typeorm-erd";
const main = async () => {
const erd = new ERDBuilder("mermaid", AppDataSource);
await erd.initialize();
const erdText = await erd.render();
A complex ERD with join tables can be visualized.
cart_item {
bigint id PK
bigint productId FK
bigint cartId FK
varchar sku
float price
float discount
smallint quantity
tinyint active
datetime createdAt
datetime updatedAt
text content
category {
bigint id PK
bigint parentId FK
varchar title
varchar metaTitle
varchar slug
text content
product_meta {
bigint id PK
bigint productId FK
varchar key
text content
product_review {
bigint id PK
bigint productId FK
bigint parentId FK
varchar title
smallint rating
tinyint published
datetime createdAt
datetime publishedAt
text content
tag {
bigint id PK
varchar title
varchar metaTitle
varchar slug
text content
product {
bigint id PK
bigint userId FK
varchar title
varchar metaTitle
varchar slug
tinytext summary
smallint type
varchar sku
float price
float discount
smallint quantity
tinyint shop
datetime createdAt
datetime updatedAt
datetime publishedAt
datetime startsAt
datetime endsAt
text content
order_item {
bigint id PK
bigint productId FK
bigint orderId FK
varchar sku
float price
float discount
smallint quantity
datetime createdAt
datetime updatedAt
text content
transaction {
bigint id PK
bigint userId FK
bigint orderId FK
varchar code
smallint type
smallint mode
smallint status
datetime createdAt
datetime updatedAt
text content
order {
bigint id PK
bigint userId FK
varchar sessionId
varchar token
smallint status
float subTotal
float itemDiscount
float tax
float shipping
float total
varchar promo
float discount
float grandTotal
varchar firstName
varchar middleName
varchar lastName
varchar mobile
varchar email
varchar line1
varchar line2
varchar city
varchar province
varchar country
datetime createdAt
datetime updatedAt
text content
user {
bigint id PK
enum role
varchar firstName
varchar middleName
varchar lastName
varchar mobile
varchar email
varchar passwordHash
tinyint admin
tinyint vendor
datetime registeredAt
datetime lastLogin
tinytext intro
text profile
cart {
bigint id PK
bigint userId FK
varchar sessionId
varchar token
smallint status
varchar firstName
varchar middleName
varchar lastName
varchar mobile
varchar email
varchar line1
varchar line2
varchar city
varchar province
varchar country
datetime createdAt
datetime updatedAt
text content
product_category {
bigint categoryId PK
bigint productId PK
product_tag {
bigint productId PK
bigint tagId PK
cart_item }|--|| cart: cart
cart_item }|--|| product: product
category }|--|| category: parent
category ||--|{ product_category: products
product_meta }|--|| product: product
product_review }|--|| product_review: parent
product_review }|--|| product: product
tag ||--|{ product_tag: products
product }|--|| user: user
product ||--|{ product_category: categories
product ||--|{ product_tag: tags
order_item }|--|| order: order
order_item }|--|| product: product
transaction }|--|| order: order
transaction }|--|| user: user
order }|--|| user: user
cart }|--|| user: user
Checkout the examples in ./examples.md and the source code for the examples in ./examples.ts
Based on https://github.com/eugene-manuilov/typeorm-uml but with separation of concerns between EntityTreeConstruction and output format.