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1.0.5 • Public • Published

TypeORM Markdown Generator


This project was inspired by prisma-markdown.

The TypeORM Markdown Generator creates markdown documentation for TypeORM entities, featuring ERD diagrams, JSDoc descriptions, and organized content.


  • Mermaid ERD Diagrams: Automatically generate entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) for visual representation of your database schema.
  • JSDoc Comments: Extract and include JSDoc comments from your TypeORM entities for detailed descriptions.
  • Namespace Separations: Organize your documentation by namespaces using @namespace comments.

Example Output


Install Dependencies

To set up and use the TypeORM Markdown Documents Generator, follow these steps:

npm install --save-dev typeorm-markdown-generator


Create a src/generate-erd.ts file with the following content:

// src/generate-erd.ts
import { DataSource } from "typeorm";
import { TypeormMarkdownGenerator } from "typeorm-markdown-generator";

const appDataSource = new DataSource({
  type: "postgres",
  host: "localhost",
  port: 5432,
  username: "your_username",
  password: "your_password",
  database: "your_database",
  // entities: [User, PostComment, Post, Category, Profile], or
  entities: [__dirname + "/entities/*.entity{.ts,.js}"],

const generateErd = async () => {
  try {
    const typeormMarkdown = new TypeormMarkdownGenerator(appDataSource, {
      entityPath: "src/entities/*.ts",
      title: "Postgres TypeORM Markdown",
      outFilePath: "docs/postgres-erd.md",
      indexTable: true,
    await typeormMarkdown.build();
    console.log("Document generated successfully.");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error generating document:", error);


Explanation of the Configuration:

  • TypeORM DataSource Setting:

    • Use the same settings as in your application.
  • TypeormMarkdownGenerator Options:

    • entityPath: Path to your entity files, starting from the project root.
    • title?: Title of the generated document (default is "ERD").
    • outFilePath?: Path to save the generated markdown document, starting from the project root (default is "docs/ERD.md").
    • indexTable?: Whether to add the database indexes table to the markdown. (Only the indexes managed by the TypeORM entity are reflected, and the indexes created by the DB engine are not reflected, e.g., primary key index).

Notes The TypeormMarkdownGenerator internally sets the project root path to the location of the package.json file.




node dist/generate-erd.js

Entity Naming Rule

The naming of the entities in the generated markdown follows these rules:

  • If an entity name is defined, the specified name is used.
export class CustomEntityName {
  • If an entity name is not defined, the entity class name is converted to snake_case and used as the entity name.
export class DefaultEntityName {
// will be converted to "default_entity_name"

Comment Tags

Use the following comment tags in your TypeORM entities to generate descriptive documentation:

  • /** */ : General JSDoc comments.
  • @namespace <name>: Both ERD and markdown content
  • @erd <name>: Only ERD.
  • @describe <name>: Only markdown content.
  • @hidden: Neither ERD nor markdown content.
  • @minitems 1: Mandatory relationship when 1: N (||---|{).

if @namespace, @erd, @describe, and @hidden are not defined, the entity will be placed in the Default namespace.

 * Both description and ERD on User chatper.
 * Also, only ERD on Post and ShoppingMall chapters.
 * @namespace User
 * @erd Post
 * @erd ShoppingMall
export class User {}

 * Only description on User chapter.
 * @describe User
export class Profile {}

 * Only ERD on Post chapter.
 * @erd Post
export class Comment {}

 * Both description and ERD on ShoppingMall chatper.
 * @namespace ShoppingMall
export class Order {
   * The tag "minItems 1" means mandatory relationship `||---|{`.
   * Otherwise, no tag means optional relationship `||---o{`.
   * @minitems 1
  @OneToMany(() => OrderItem, (orderItem) => orderItem.order)
  orderItems!: OrderItem[];

 * Never be shown.
 * @hidden
export class Group {}

Example Entities

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  • hermin