
4.0.1 • Public • Published

UI Bootstrap 4

AngularJS directives specific to Bootstrap 4

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This is a fork of the ui-bootstrap4 project, which in turn is a fork of the original angular-ui-bootstrap project. It has been modified to work with Bootstrap 4. The reason this repository exists is because some applications are choosing (or are forced to chose) to stick with AngularJS, but would like to move to Bootstrap 4. (Especially considering the fact that Bootstrap 3 is EoL.)

The ui-bootstrap4 fork makes as few changes as possible to the original source code, so that upstream changes can be merged in with minimal issues. Some work has been used from other attempts to do the same thing, such as the fork from dietergeerts.

This fork aims to further improve and cleanup the project to make it more easily used.

Quick links


Do you want to see directives in action? Visit the docs page!


Installation is easy as UI Bootstrap has minimal dependencies - only the AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap's CSS are required.

Module dependencies

  • UI Bootstrap depends on ngAnimate for transitions and animations, such as the accordion, carousel, etc. Include ngAnimate in the module dependencies for your app in order to enable animation.
  • UI Bootstrap depends on ngTouch for swipe actions. Include ngTouch in the module dependencies for your app in order to enable swiping.

Angular Requirements

  • UI Bootstrap 1.0 and higher requires Angular 1.4.x or higher and it has been tested with Angular 1.4.8.

Bootstrap Requirements

  • UI Bootstrap 3.0 and higher requires Bootstrap CSS version 4.x or higher and it has been tested with Bootstrap CSS 4.1.3

Install with NPM

$ npm install ui-bootstrap4-fixed

Install with Yarn

$ yarn add ui-bootstrap4-fixed

Custom build

Head over to docs and hit the Create a build button to create your own custom UI Bootstrap build, just the way you like it.

Manual download

After downloading dependencies (or better yet, referencing them from your favorite CDN) you need to download build version of this project. All the files and their purposes are described here: docs-build.
Don't worry, if you are not sure which file to take, opt for ui-bootstrap-tpls-[version].min.js.

Adding dependency to your project

When you are done downloading all the dependencies and project files the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the ui.bootstrap AngularJS module:

angular.module('myModule', ['ui.bootstrap']);

Webpack / JSPM

To use this project with webpack, follow the NPM instructions. Now, if you want to use only the accordion, you can do:

import accordion from 'ui-bootstrap4-fixed/src/accordion';
angular.module('myModule', [accordion]);

You can import all the pieces you need in the same way:

import accordion from 'ui-bootstrap4-fixed/src/accordion';
import datepicker from 'ui-bootstrap4-fixed/src/datepicker';
angular.module('myModule', [accordion, datepicker]);

This will load all the dependencies (if any) and also the templates (if any).

Be sure to have a loader able to process css files like css-loader.

If you would prefer not to load your css through your JavaScript file loader/bundler, you can choose to import the index-nocss.js file instead, which is available for the modules:

  • carousel
  • datepicker
  • datepickerPopup
  • dropdown
  • modal
  • popover
  • position
  • timepicker
  • tooltip
  • typeahead

The other modules, such as accordion in the example below, do not have CSS resources to load, so you should continue to import them as normal:

import accordion from 'ui-bootstrap4-fixed/src/accordion';
import typeahead from 'ui-bootstrap4-fixed/src/typeahead/index-nocss.js';
angular.module('myModule', [accordion, typeahead]);

Available grunt commands and short description

Predefined helper tasks

  • eslint Runs ESLint on Gruntfile.js and all of the .js files in the src folder
  • html2js Converts the .html files in the template folder to javascript AngujarJS module template files
  • before-test Runs the eslint and html2js tasks
  • build Creates the required variables and files to build docs or make a release etc.
  • copy Copies docs assets and files etc.
  • after-test Runs the build and copy tasks

The commands that matter

  • grunt

    Default command. This runs the before-test, test and after-test tasks

  • grunt test

    Runs the test task, which only executes the tests defined in the test-files. For more information see Tests

  • grunt watch

    Watches your directive and template files, as well as the docs and continually rebuilds them

  • grunt docs

    Rebuilds your docs - See Documentation for more information.

  • grunt release

    Creates a release - See Building a release for more information

Building a release

grunt release:3.0.0

(Obviously, replace 3.0.0 with the version you're releasing.)

This will build all of the docs and bundle everything together etc. It will add the docs to git, tag the commit and push it. After that it will build the project and publish to npm.

Files; Where they're located and what they do


All of the directives are stored in the src folder in a folder named after the directive.

To create a new directive you need two things in said folder (for this example the folder would be named newDirective):

  • An index.js file formatted like this:
var MODULE_NAME = 'ui.bootstrap.module.newDirective';
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, ['ui.bootstrap.newDirective']);
module.exports = MODULE_NAME;
  • The .js file containing an AngularJS module, named the same as the folder it resides in. For this example it would be named newDirective.js

Aside from the index and directive files, you can have a .css file and an optional index-nocss.js file. Which, unsurprisingly, should not include any css-files.

Templates for directives

To add templates to your directive, create a folder named after your directive in the template folder.

Place one or more files named after the controller(s) that exist in your module in said folder.

Controllers are named using camelCase in the code and the template files are named the same using snake-case with hyphens.


The tests are located in src/<directive>/test/<directive>.spec.js and are run with karma and jasmine.
To run the tests you simply run the grunt test command.


The documentation for each directive is stored in its respective folder, i.e for accordion it would be src/accordion/docs.

It consists of three files, a demo.html view containing one or more examples, a demo.js controller containing the logic, and a readme.md file containing the documentation for that particular directive.

If a directive lacks one or more of these files, it won't be shown on the docs page.

Main part

The main part of the documentation comes from the files in the misc/demo folder. What you see on the docs page is based on the template file index.html and the controller(s) in the assets/app.js file.

Generation of documentation

To (re)generate the docs, perhaps after you've added a directive or updated some information, run the grunt docs command.

Configurable values

For this project, there are several configurable values. Most of them don't need to be changed, however, there are a few files which contain values of interest.

These files are:

  • misc/demo/assets/app.js

    In this file, in the MainCtrl function, there are two variables, repoName and versionsMappingUrl used to generate the url to the versions-mapping.json file that the docs page uses.

  • misc/demo/assets/plunker.js

    This file contains three variables: accountName, accountUrl and repoName. These are used to generate the correct link to the template files when opening an example in plunker.

  • Gruntfile.js

    This file has a lot of variables. But the ones to note are: reponame, accountname and pathToDocsFolder.
    The two first variables are used to generate the correct links for various documents. The third one is used to create a correct link to the source code for the docs page using this format

    https://github.com/<%= accountname %>/<%= reponame %>/<%= pathToDocsFolder %>

    It's important to note that all links generated are using github as the domain.


Pre-2.0.0 does not follow a particular versioning system. 2.0.0 and onwards follows semantic versioning.


More useful information

Development info

Supported browsers

Directives from this repository are automatically tested with the following browsers:

  • Chrome (stable and canary channel)
  • Firefox
  • IE 9 and 10
  • Opera
  • Safari

Modern mobile browsers should work without problems.

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  • krysvac