UML Code Gen
UML Code gen is a cli tool created in node in order to generate the Boilerplate code for the given Class diagram in form of JSON format.
Use the package manager npm to install uml-code-gen.
npm i -g uml-code-gen
For Local, you can run the script just like any other Node.js application. Try entering the following from the command line.
node .
However, the goal of writing a script like this is to be able to run it from anywhere. You can do that with the npm install
npm install -g .
This installs your script “globally.”
In order to uninstall the script, run the following command.
npm uninstall -g uml-code-gen
codegen -j <JSON file location> -d <Destination of the generated files>
Please download the test.json file as a sample signature for the JSON file and make changes accordingly.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.