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A package to generate a unique username from email or randomly selected nouns and adjectives. User can add a separator between the username, define the maximum length of a username and adds up to six random digits.



npm install unique-username-generator --save
  • Importing
// Using Node.js `require()`
const { generateFromEmail, generateUsername } = require("unique-username-generator");
// Using ES6 imports
import { generateFromEmail, generateUsername } from "unique-username-generator";


Generate username from email

It will generate username from email and add upto six random digits at the end of the name.

// add three random digits
const username = generateFromEmail(
console.log(username); // lakshminarayan234

// add four random digits
const username = generateFromEmail(
console.log(username); // lakshminarayan2347

Randomly generate unique username.

It will generate unique username from adjectives, nouns, random digits and separator. You can control these following parameters - separator, number of random digits and maximum length of a username.

// generaterUsername(separator, number of random digits, maximum length)

// Without any parameter
const username = generateUsername();
console.log(username); // blossomlogistical

// With any separator like "-, _"
const username = generateUsername("-");
console.log(username); // blossom-logistical

// With random digits and no separator
const username = generateUsername("", 3);
console.log(username); // blossomlogistical732

// With maximum length constraint and no separator, no random digits
const username = generateUsername("", 0, 15);
console.log(username); // blossomlogistic

// With maximum length constraint and separator but no random digits
const username = generateUsername("-", 0, 15);
console.log(username); // blossom-logisti

// With maximum length constraint and random digits but no separator
const username = generateUsername("", 2, 19);
console.log(username); // blossomlogistical73

// With all parameters
const username = generateUsername("-", 2, 20, 'unique username');
console.log(username); // unique-username-73

Default dictionaries

By default, the unique username generator library comes with 2 dictionaries out of the box, so that you can use them straight away.

The new syntax for using the default dictionaries is the following:

import { uniqueUsernameGenerator, Config, adjectives, nouns } from 'unique-username-generator';

const config: Config = {
  dictionaries: [adjectives, nouns]

const username: string = uniqueUsernameGenerator(config); // blossomlogistical

Custom dictionaries

You might want to provide your custom dictionaries to use for generating your unique username, in order to meet your project requirements. You can easily do that using the dictionaries option.

import { uniqueUsernameGenerator } from 'unique-username-generator';

const marvelCharacters = [
  'Iron Man',
  'Doctor Strange',
  'Captain America',

const config: Config = {
  dictionaries: [marvelCharacters],
  separator: '',
  style: 'capital',
  randomDigits: 3

const username: string = uniqueUsernameGenerator(config); // Hulk123


uniqueUsernameGenerator (options)

Returns a string with a random generated username


Type: Config

The options argument mostly corresponds to the properties defined for uniqueUsernameGenerator. Only dictionaries is required.

Option Type Description Default value Example value
dictionaries array This is an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary is an array of strings containing the words to use for generating the string.
The provided dictionaries can be imported from the library as a separate modules and provided in the desired order.
import { uniqueUsernameGenerator, adjectives, nouns } from 'unique-username-generator';
const username: string = uniqueUsernameGenerator({ dictionaries: [nouns, adjectives]}); // blossomlogistical
separator string A string separator to be used for separate the words generated. The default separator is set to be empty string. "" -
randomDigits number A number of random digits to add at the end of a username. 0 3
length number A maximum length of a username 15 12
style lowerCase | upperCase | capital The default value is set to lowerCase and it will return a lower case username.
By setting the value to upperCase, the words, will be returned with all the letters in upper case format.
The capital option will capitalize each word of the unique username generated
lowerCase lowerCase


The MIT License.

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  • subhamg