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4.3.0 • Public • Published


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unity-webgl provides an easy solution for embedding Unity WebGL builds in your web applications, with two-way communication and interaction between your webApp and Unity application with advanced API's.

🚨 Reminder

v4.x has been updated significantly and the API is not compatible with v3.x and earlier versions. For upgrades, please refer to Changelogs

Based on react-unity-webgl


  • 📦 Easy integration, framework-agnostic
  • 📩 Bidirectional communication between WebApp and Unity
  • ⏰ Comprehensive event handling mechanism
  • 🧲 Built-in Vue components (vue2/3)



npm install unity-webgl


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/unity-webgl/dist/index.min.js"></script>

Quick Start

🚨 Important:
Communication and interaction with the web application are only possible after the Unity instance is successfully rendered (when the mounted event is triggered).
Recommended to include a loading progress bar when opening the page.

import UnityWebgl from 'unity-webgl'

const unityContext = new UnityWebgl('#canvas', {
	loaderUrl: 'path/to/unity.loader.js',
	dataUrl: 'path/to/unity.data',
	frameworkUrl: 'path/to/unity.framework.js',
	codeUrl: 'path/to/unity.code',

	.on('progress', (progress) => console.log('Loaded: ', progress))
	.on('mounted', () => {
		// ⚠️ UnityInstance rendered, ready for communication
		unityContext.sendMessage('GameObject', 'ReceiveRole', 'Tanya')

// For Unity to call
unityContext.addUnityListener('gameStart', (msg) => {
	console.log('from Unity : ', msg)
// window.dispatchUnityEvent('gameStart', '{score: 0}')
Vue Demo
<script setup>
	import UnityWebgl from 'unity-webgl'
	import VueUnity from 'unity-webgl/vue'

	const unityContext = new UnityWebgl({
		loaderUrl: 'path/to/unity.loader.js',
		dataUrl: 'path/to/unity.data',
		frameworkUrl: 'path/to/unity.framework.js',
		codeUrl: 'path/to/unity.code',

	unityContext.addUnityListener('gameStart', (msg) => {
		console.log('from Unity : ', msg)

	<VueUnity :unity="unityContext" width="800" height="600" />



new UnityWebgl(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | string, config?:UnityConfig)

// or

const unityContext = new UnityWebgl(config: UnityConfig)
unityContext.render(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | string)
  • canvas : Render Unity canvas elements or selectors.
  • config : Initializes the Unity application's configuration items.


Initializes the Unity application's configuration items.

Property Type Description Required
loaderUrl string Unity resource loader file
dataUrl string File containing resource data and scenes
frameworkUrl string File with runtime and plugin code
codeUrl string WebAssembly binary file with native code
streamingAssetsUrl string URL for streaming resources Optional
memoryUrl string URL for generated framework files Optional
symbolsUrl string URL for generated Unity code files Optional
companyName string Metadata: Company name Optional
productName string Metadata: Product name Optional
productVersion string Metadata: Product version Optional
devicePixelRatio number Canvas device pixel ratio. @seedevicePixelRatio Optional
matchWebGLToCanvasSize boolean Disable automatic WebGL canvas size sync. @seematchWebGLToCanvasSize Optional
webglContextAttributes object WebGL rendering context options. @seeWebGLRenderingContext Optional


Instance methods :

⭐️ render(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | string): void;

Renders UnityInstance into target html canvas element.

  • canvas : canvas element
await unityContext.render('#canvas')

⭐️ unload(): Promise<void>;

Unload the Unity WebGL instance.

await unityContext.unload()

⭐️ sendMessage(objectName: string, methodName: string, value?: any): this;

Send a message to invoke a public method in the Unity scene.

  • objectName: Object Name in Unity Scene
  • methodName: Unity script method name
  • value: Passed value
unityContext.sendMessage('GameObject', 'gameStart', { role: 'Tanya' })

requestPointerLock(): void;

Request pointer lock on the Unity canvas.

takeScreenshot(dataType?: string, quality?: any): string | undefined;

Capture a screenshot of the Unity canvas.

  • dataType: Type of image data
  • quality: Image quality
const screenshot = unityContext.takeScreenshot('image/jpeg', 0.92)

setFullscreen(enabled: boolean): void;

Toggle fullscreen mode.


Event methods :

on(name: string, listener: EventListener, options?: { once?: boolean }): this;

Register for listening events.

unityContext.on('progress', (progress) => {
	console.log('Progress:', progress)

off(name: string, listener?: EventListener): this;

Remove event listener.

unityContext.off('progress', listener)

Unity Communication methods :

addUnityListener(name: string, listener: EventListener, options?: { once?: boolean }): this;

Register a specific listener for Unity to call.

unityContext.addUnityListener('GameStarted', (level) => {
	console.log('Game started at level:', level)

// then call it in Unity
window.dispatchUnityEvent('GameStarted', 3)

removeUnityListener(name: string, listener?: EventListener): this;

Remove registered listeners.

unityContext.removeUnityListener('GameStarted', listener)

window.dispatchUnityEvent(name: string, ...args: any[])

The way to dispatch a registered listener on the Unity side. (Calling JS methods in unity)

window.dispatchUnityEvent('GameStarted', 3)


Event Name Description
beforeMount Before rendering UnityInstance to Canvas Element.
mounted After rendering UnityInstance to Canvas Element.
beforeUnmount Before UnityInstance unload
unmounted After UnityInstance unload
progress Unity resource loading progress
error Error events
debug Debug messages from Unity

Unity-JavaScript Communication

1. Call Unity script functions from JavaScript

const unityContext = new UnityWebgl()

 * @param {string} objectName Name of an object in your scene.
 * @param {string} methodName Public method name.
 * @param {any} value Passed value.
unityContext.sendMessage('GameObject', 'StartGame', { role: 'Tanya' })

2. Call JavaScript functions from Unity scripts

  1. First register the listener for Unity to call via addUnityListener on the web side.
unityContext.addUnityListener('gameStart', (level) => {
	console.log('Game started at level:', level)
  1. Add the registered gameStart method to your Unity project.
// javascript_extend.jslib
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
	Hello: function () {
		window.alert('Hello, world!')

	GameStart: function (level) {
		window.dispatchUnityEvent('gameStart', UTF8ToString(level))
  1. Call these functions in unity's C# scripts:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class WebGLPluginJS : MonoBehaviour
    public static extern void Hello();

    public static extern void GameStart(string level);

    void Start()



Contributions are welcome! Please submit a Pull Request.


Apache-2.0 License


For issues or questions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.

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  • mengqing723