UrlStatusChecker is a command-line tool written in Node.js to check all the URL's status inside your local file.
The current version is 0.1.
If the URL is good with the status code 200, it prints "GOOD" in green.
If the URL is bad with the status code 400 or 404, it prints "BAD" in Red.
If the URL is redirect with the status code 301, 307, 308 , it prints "Redirect" in Blue.
If the RUL is broken or no response, it prints "Broken / No response" in White.
Else, it prints "UNKNOWN" in grey.
Run the command using
npm i -g https://github.com/tianlangwu/urlStatusChecker
Or download the files, then "run npm install -g pathName"
npm install -g C:\Seneca\OSD600\Release0.1
After downloan, yo can also "cd" to the path directory then run npm link / npm install -g
Run the command using "urlstatuschecker Path\filename".
urlstatuschecker C:\Seneca\OSD600\Release0.1\test1.html
For multiple file
urlstatuschecker C:\Seneca\OSD600\Release0.1\test1.html test3.html
- URLs printed in colors depending on their status.
- Support command line args (e.g., --version).
- Won't crash when accessing a bad URL or timeouts.
- Allow passing multiple file paths
-v / -version: Show the Current version of urlStatusChecker.
-u: Check the url status directly
-g: only good URLs to get displayed
-b:only bad URLs to get displayed
-j: output JSON file in format of [ { "url": 'https://www.google.com', "status": 200 }, { "url": 'https://bad-link.com', "status": 404 } ]
-i/: allows specifying two files, first file should contain the links to be ignored if they are contained in the second file.
urlstatuschecker -u http://www.google.com