TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.11 • Public • Published


This hook-like middleware helps to intelligently apply policy handlers to your code by simply following some basic steps.

Supports Typescript

This library is specifically for expressjs and mongoose applications


  1. NPM:
npm install use-policy
  1. Yarn:
yarn add use-policy


To test the application, execute the following command:

npm run start:example

The application will be served at http://localhost:3000.

curl localhost:3000

Code Structure

  • index.ts: Entry point of the application.
  • usePolicy.ts: Middleware for applying policies.
  • models/: Directory for storing models (currently commented out).
  • policies/: Directory containing policy definitions.

How to use this Middleware

Create the following folder in your project Directory

  • policies/: This will hold all our policy declarations

  • Inside policies folder, lets create UserPolicy.ts

// UserPolicy.ts

// If you are a typescript fan
import {PolicyRequest, ModelMap} from 'use-policy'

• You must export a default class named after your filename
• All policies must return boolean

export default UserPolicy{
  • Optionally catch the request in constructor (Not Recommded)
  constructor(request: PolicyRequest){}
  • Define your first policy
  • You can name it anything
  • request and models are injected for you
  • For proper typescripting, we have imported `ModelMap` with our `IUser` interface

  public async test_policy(request: PolicyRequest, models: ModelMap<IUser>): Promise<boolean> {
  • Whatever you pass to `get` must have existed in `models/*` folder
  • Notice the ?. This is applied to stop typescript from screaming undefined. It is actually defined
    const User = models?.get("User")
    const user = await User.findById(
    const isAdmin =     user?.roles.includes("admin")
    return isAdmin
  ... Add more policies

Note: The filename must end with Policy (we can change this to whatever we want later)

  • models/: Inside it, create a file, User.ts to export a mongoose schema (This is if you need database persistence. It is optional for this middleware to work)

In app.ts

import express from "express"
import path from "path"

import usePolicy from "use-policy"

const app = express()

Initialize your route

  • Authenticate User and populate req.user
(req: any, __, next: any)=> {
    req.user = {
      id: hd7g3ujeiueuegdiheueh
  • Apply use-policy

** Location of your policies folder (Required)

policiesDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "policies"),

** Location of your models folder (Optional)

modelDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "models"),

** Policy filename suffix (Defaults to `Policy`) with uppercase first.

suffix: 'Policy', // Optional
  • Handle your request
async (req: any, res: any, next)=>{

1. We will throw error if permission fails
2. Notice `test_policy` that we pass, this is defined in our `UserPolicy.ts` file. We can pass any string (even symbols) as long as it exists in our policy file.

await req.user.permissions.can("test_policy")

  1. You can send a custom message if not permitted
  • We pass undefined as our second parameter here because we have already applied our configurafion globally in the usePolicy()

await req.user.permissions.can("test_policy", undefined, "You are not permmitted")

  1. You can handle the checks yourself
const isPermitted = await req.user.permissions.can("test_policy", {
throwOnPermissionError: false

if(!isPermitted) res.send("Not Permitted")

else res.send("OK")

If checks passes



  1. Catch and handle error here (User not permmited)
console.log("Error", err.message)

app.listen(3000, ()=>console.log("Serving at 3000"))

Typescript definitions


  * Registers thr location of all policy files

  policiesDir: string,
  * Registers the location to find all models (mongoose schemas only)
  modelDir?: string,
  * Whatever we would like to have our policy files to end with.
  * We have defaulted to `Policy`. 
  * You can override it by passing a string. Uppercase first.
  suffix?: string,
  * Accepts boolean, 
    • if `false`, boolean will be return at `await req.user.permission.can(...)` and will not throw.
    if `true` which is the default, Will throw with our custom message.
    • Catch error using `trycatch`
  * This option is useful in case you need to handle other boolean conditions during the process.
  throwOnPermissionError?: boolean

For cjs Usage.

const express = require("express")
const usePolicy = require("use-policy")
const path = require("path")

const app = express()


  * Authenticate User and populate req.user
  (req, __, next)=> {
    req.user = {
      id: 500

  * Apply middleware *
    policiesDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "policies")

  * Apply policy
  async (req, res, next)=> {
    try {

     // await req.user.permissions.can("delete_user", undefined, "Only user with ID 500 can delete User")

      await req.user.permissions.can("test_policy")

      //await req.user.permissions.can("test_policy_2")

      // If all policies passes

    }catch(err) {
      console.log("ERR_PERMISSION", err.message)

app.listen(3000, ()=>console.log("Serving at 3000"))

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npm i use-policy

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  • itzfeminisce