
0.3.7 • Public • Published


An easy-to-use Modal for Vue 3. Multiple modals can pop up orderly.



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import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Modal } from 'usemodal-vue3';

let isVisible = ref(false);

<Modal v-model:visible="isVisible">
    <div>your content...</div>

Use in Nuxt

    <Modal v-model:visible="isVisible">
        <div>your content...</div>

Your page may need to pop up multiple modals, and different modals may depend on different data sources, sometimes even asynchronously, you can easily manage their popup order.

import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { useModal, Modal } from 'usemodal-vue3';

const setModal = useModal({
    m1: 2, // The larger the number, the later in the order
    m2: 1 // Smaller numbers, first in order

let modalVisible = reactive({});

modalVisible = setModal('m1', true);

setTimeout(() => {
    // or  modalVisible = setModal('m2', false)
    modalVisible = setModal('m2', true); // either true or false, you have to define a state.
}, 2000)

function myCancel() {
    // do something....
     modalVisible = setModal('m2', false); // m2 is closed, while the other states are true in order

// m1 order is 2
<Modal name="m1" v-model:visible="modalVisible">
    <div>This modal will be displayed according to the status when the previous one is closed or the display status is fasle</div>
// m2 order is 1, will go first
<Modal name="m2" v-model:visible="modalVisible">
    <div>This modal will be displayed first</div>

If you need to use drag.

// draggable = true. By default, hold down the title part and drag
<Modal v-model:visible="true" :draggable="true">

// You can customize the dragged part. Especially when 'type' is 'clean'
const handle = ref();

<Modal v-model:visible="true" :draggable="handle">
    <div ref="handle">You can hold here and drag</div>



params Description Type Default
visible(v-model) Is the modal visible ? boolean
name Required if there are multiple modals and there is an order problem string
mask Whether the mask is visible boolean true
maskClosable Whether clicking on the mask can close the modal boolean true
type Type of the modal . 'clean' is custom string ''
modalClass When you need to customize the style, you can modify the outermost class string ''
width Width of the modal. When the value is a number, the unit is px string|number 500
offsetTop Position from top. When the value is a number, the unit is px string|number 100
zIndex z-index number 1000
title Title of the modal string 'Title'
animation Whether the animation pops up boolean true
closable Whether the close icon is visible or not boolean true
draggable Is it draggable? The default target is Header(Title), but you can also pass in an element(commonly used in type for 'clean') boolean|object false
cancelButton Cancel button configuration:
text: the text of the button.
onclick: Click callback function.
loading: Whether to display the loading animation after the button is clicked.
object {text: 'cancel', onclick: () => {}, loading: false}
okButton Ok button configuration:
text: the text of the button.
onclick: Click callback function.
loading: Whether to display the loading animation after the button is clicked.
object {text: 'ok', onclick: () => {}, loading: false}


event Description callback params
onVisible When the modal is displayed
onUnVisible When the modal is hidden



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