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useToaster 🍞


The useToaster React Hook gives you a Toaster component, a simple addToast function, and a toastList (an array of toasts).

Calling the function adds a toast to the toasts list, which is rendered in the Toaster.

It's as simple as that and there is no need for the context API or anything...


import useToaster from 'usetoaster';
const YourComponent = props => {
  const [ Toaster, addToast, toasts ] = useToaster();
  return (
      <Toaster />
      <button onClick={() => addToast('Champagne!')}>Toast</button>


By default, the Toasts will disappear by themselves after 15s.

You can control this by specifying a delay:

const [ Toaster, addToast, toasts ] = useToaster(5000);

Note: Clicking a Toast that appears in the Toaster will make it disappear instantly regardless of the delay.


The Toaster

Style the Toaster like you would any other React component. It is not styled by default so you have full control over how it looks.

// with a style object
<Toaster style={{ your: 'styles' }} />
// or simply adding a class
<Toaster className="your-class" />

The Toasts

You can pass a class that will be applied to all Toasts in the Toaster

<Toaster toastClass="toasts" />
// and then simply
addToast('Plain text');

Alternatively, because the content of a Toast can be anything, you can style it however you want:

addToast(<AnyStyledComponent text="Some text" />);

If you are doing this, understand that your custom component will be wrapped in a div. In this case, if you want control over the margin of each Toast, declare it like so:

<Toaster toastMargin="5px 0" />


The addToast function accepts an optional 2nd argument: Metadata.

This is meant to be whatever you need it to be...

A possible use case for it would be to conditionally add a toast based on the current state of the toast list.

const alreadyWarned = toastList.some(
  toast => toast.metadata.type === 'warning'
if (!alreadyWarned) {
  addToast('A warning toast', { type: 'warning' });

Again metada can be anything:

addToast('Even', 'a string');
// toast.metadata === 'a string'

v2. What changed

  • (!) Breaking change: the Toaster component no longer recognizes the delay prop. See above.
  • Significantly improved management of timeouts.
  • Addition of optional metadata for the toasts.

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  • johanfive