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2.1.0 • Public • Published

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Enhanced utils

This package modifies and enhances the standard util from node.js


Full API Documents is here: Docs


inject(aOrgFunc, aBeforeExec, aAfterExec): Function

Wraps a function and executes code before and/or after the wrapped function.


If aAfterExec is not a function and an error occurs while executing the wrapped function.


import { inject as injectFunc } from 'util-ex'

// Wrapping a function with injectFunc
const originalFunc = (a, b) => a + b;
const beforeFunc = (a, b) => console.log(`Before execution: a = ${a}, b = ${b}`);
const afterFunc = (result) => console.log(`After execution: result = ${result}`);
const wrappedFunc = injectFunc(originalFunc, beforeFunc, afterFunc);
const result = wrappedFunc(1, 2); // Logs "Before execution: a = 1, b = 2" and "After execution: result = 3"


// Wrapping a function with injectFunc and modifying arguments and return value
const Arguments = injectFunc.Arguments
const originalFunc = (a, b) => a + b;
const beforeFunc = (a, b) => {
  console.log(`Before execution: a = ${a}, b = ${b}`);
  return new Arguments([a * 2, b * 3]);
const afterFunc = (result, isDenied) => {
  console.log(`After execution: result = ${result}, isDenied = ${isDenied}`);
  return result * 2;
const wrappedFunc = injectFunc(originalFunc, beforeFunc, afterFunc);
const result = wrappedFunc(1, 2); // Logs "Before execution: a = 1, b = 2", "After execution: result = 6, isDenied = false"
console.log(result); // Output: 12


// Wrapping a function with injectFunc and not executing the original function
const originalFunc = (a, b) => a + b;
const beforeFunc = (a, b) => {
  console.log(`Before execution: a = ${a}, b = ${b}`);
  return "Not executing original function";
const afterFunc = (result, isDenied) => {
  console.log(`After execution: result = ${result}, isDenied = ${isDenied}`);
  return "Modified return value";
const wrappedFunc = injectFunc(originalFunc, beforeFunc, afterFunc);
const result = wrappedFunc(1, 2); // Logs "Before execution: a = 1, b = 2", "After execution: result = Modified return value, isDenied = true"
console.log(result); // Output: "Modified return value"


// Wrapping a function with injectFunc and getting the original function's error
const originalFunc = () => {
  throw new Error("Original function error");
const beforeFunc = () => {
  console.log("Before execution");
const afterFunc = (result, isDenied) => {
  console.log(`After execution: result = ${result}, isDenied = ${isDenied}`);
const wrappedFunc = injectFunc(originalFunc, beforeFunc, afterFunc);
wrappedFunc(); // Logs "Before execution", "After execution: result = [Error: Original function error], isDenied = false"

inject Parameters

Name Type Description
aOrgFunc Function The function to be wrapped.
aBeforeExec Function A function to be executed before the wrapped function aOrgFunc.
aAfterExec Function A function to be executed after the wrapped function aOrgFunc.

inject Returns


A new function that wraps the original function.

BeforeExec: If aBeforeExec is a function, it will be called with the same context and arguments as the wrapped function.

  • If it returns an Arguments object, the wrapped function will be called with the modified arguments.
  • If it returns a value other than undefined, the wrapped function will not be called and this value will be returned as result instead.

AfterExec: If aAfterExec is a function, it will be called with the same context, arguments with additional the result of the aOrgFunc and isDenied flag.

  • If the aOrgFunc throws an error, the result parameter will be an Error object.
  • If aAfterExec returns a value, it will be used as the final result of the wrapped function.
  • If isDenied parameter is true, it means aOrgFunc was not called during execution of the wrapped function.


injectMethod(aObject, aMethodName, aNewMethod): boolean

Injects method into an object. optionally preserving access to the original method via "super" and original instance via "self".


  • In the new method, you can use this.super() to call the original method, this.super() is already bound with original instance.
  • The this[aMethodName] is also the original method, but not bound yet.
  • this.self is the original instance!


import { injectMethod } from 'util-ex'

var obj = {
  method1: function() {

var newMethod = function() {

injectMethod(obj, 'method1', newMethod);

obj.method1(); // Output: Hello\nWorld

injectMethod Parameters

Name Type Description
aObject any the target object to inject
aMethodName string the target method to inject
aNewMethod Function the new method to be injected into the aObject.

injectMethod Returns


whether the injection is successful.


newFunction(name, arguments, body[, scope[, values]])
newFunction(functionString[, scope[, values]])

Creates a new function with the given name, arguments, body, scope and values.

  • If only one argument is provided and it is a function, returns a new function with the same code.
  • If only one argument is provided and it is not a function, returns a new empty function with the given name.
  • If multiple arguments are provided, creates a new function with the given name, arguments and body.
import { newFunction } from 'util-ex'

var fn = newFunction('yourFuncName', ['arg1', 'arg2'], 'return log(arg1+arg2);', {log:console.log})
newFunction('function yourFuncName(){}')
newFunction('function yourFuncName(arg1, arg2){return log(arg1+arg2);}', {log:console.log})
newFunction('function yourFuncName(arg1, arg2){return log(arg1+arg2);}', ['log'], [console.log])

//fn.toString() is :
 "function yourFuncName(arg1, arg2) {
    return log(arg1+arg2);


defineProperty(object, key, value[, aOptions])

Define a property on the object. move to inherits-ex package.


const defineProperty = require('util-ex/lib/defineProperty')

let propValue = ''
const obj = {}

defineProperty(obj, 'prop', 'simpleValue')
defineProperty(obj, 'prop', undefined, {
  get() {return propValue}
  set(value) {propValue = value}

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  • riceball