A utility library for working with BufferGeometry in Three.js. I have created this library to make it easier to work with BufferGeometry in Three.js.
You can install utils-three-js
using npm:
npm install utils-three-js
import { BufferGeoUtils } from 'utils-three-js';
import * as THREE from 'three';
// Create a BufferGeometry
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
// Perform operations on the geometry
const positionArray = BufferGeoUtils.getPositionArray(geometry);
const normalArray = BufferGeoUtils.getNormalArray(geometry);
const uvArray = BufferGeoUtils.getUVArray(geometry);
const facePoints = BufferGeoUtils.getFacePoints(geometry,10)
// ...and more
API Documentation
Method | Description | Parameters | Returns |
isBufferGeometry |
Checks if the given geometry is a BufferGeometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Boolean |
getPositionArray |
Returns the position array of the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Array |
getNormalArray |
Returns the normal array of the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Array |
getUVArray |
Returns the UV array of the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Array |
getIndicesArray |
Returns the indices array of the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Array |
getNumberOfFaces |
Returns the number of faces in the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Number |
getNumberOfVertices |
Returns the number of vertices in the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Number |
getPoint |
Returns the point at the given index. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry), index (Number) |
THREE.Vector3 |
getFacePointIndices |
Returns the indices of the points of the face at the given index. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry), faceIndex (Number) |
Array[Number] |
getFacePoints |
Returns the points of the face at the given index. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry), faceIndex (Number) |
Array[THREE.Vector3] |
getTriangleArea |
Returns the area of the triangle with the given points. |
p1 (THREE.Vector3), p2 (THREE.Vector3), p3 (THREE.Vector3) |
Number |
getSurfaceArea |
Returns the surface area of the geometry. |
geometry (THREE.BufferGeometry) |
Number |
Method | Description | Parameters | Returns |
getAllMeshes |
Returns all meshes of the given object. |
object (THREE.Object3D) |
Array[THREE.Mesh] |
unGroupAllMeshes |
Un-groups all meshes of the given object.(Scaling may not work) If removeMeshTransformation is true, the transformation of the mesh is removed and applied to the geometry |
object (THREE.Object3D), removeMeshTransformation (Boolean) (default value is false) |
Array[THREE.Mesh] |
deleteMeshWithData |
Deletes the mesh and its geometry, material, textures |
mesh (THREE.Mesh) |
Boolean |
deleteObjectWithData |
Deletes the object and its geometry, material, textures. warning - make sure that they are not used by any other mesh |
object (THREE.Object3D) |
Boolean |
getBoundingBox |
Returns the bounding box of the object. |
object (THREE.Object3D), inLocalSpace (Boolean) (Optional)(default value is false) |
THREE.Box3 |
getClassInstanceObjects |
Returns all objects of the object with the given class. |
object (THREE.Object3D), objectClass (any) |
Array<objectClass> |
isObject |
Checks if the given object is an instance of THREE.Object3D. |
object (THREE.Object3D) |
Boolean |
isMesh |
Checks if the given object is an instance of THREE.Mesh. |
object (THREE.Object3D) |
Boolean |
Method | Description | Parameters | Returns |
removeFloatingPointError |
Removes the floating point error of the given value. |
value (Number), decimals (Number) (Optional)(default value is 2) |
Number |
removeFloatingPointErrorVec3 |
Removes the floating point error of the given vector. |
inVec (THREE.Vector3), inDecimals (Number) (Optional)(default value is 2) |
THREE.Vector3 |
This project is licensed under the MIT License.