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Vue Pagination 3

Simple, generic and non-intrusive pagination component for Vue.js version 3.


  • Vue.js (>=3.0.0). Required.
  • CSS: Bootstrap 3 or Bootstrap 4 or Bulma or a custom theme.



npm install v-pagination-3

import the script:

import Pagination from 'v-pagination-3';

Script tag



Register the component globally or locally:

app.component('pagination', Pagination);


components: {

Declare the data property to be used in v-model:

    data() {
       return {
           page: 1

Declare the component:

<pagination v-model="page" :records="500" :per-page="25" @paginate="myCallback"/>


  • records number required number of records

  • per-page number required records per page.

  • v-model number required Reference to the current page. Can be updated via the UI or programmatically

  • options object optional:

    • chunk number max pages per chunk. Default: 10
    • chunksNavigation string Which method to use when navigating outside chunks boundries. Default: fixed. Options are:
      • scroll - the range of pages presented will incrementally change when navigating to a page outside the chunk (e.g 1-10 will become 2-11 once the user presses the next arrow to move to page 11).
      • fixed - navigation will occur between fixed chunks (e.g 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc.). Double arrows will be added to allow navigation to the beginning of the previous or next chunk.
    • theme string CSS theme used for styling. Supported: bootstrap3, bootstrap4,bulma. Default: bootstrap3.
    • format boolean Format numbers using a separating comma. Default: true
    • edgeNavigation Show links to first and last pages. Default: false
    • template Pass your own custom template
    • hideCount hide the count text. Default false
    • texts object optional
      • count total records text. It can consist of up to 3 parts, divided by |.

        • First part: used when there are multiple pages
        • Second part: used when there is only one page
        • Third part: used when there is only one record.

        Default: Showing {from} to {to} of {count} records|{count} records|One record

      • first First page text. Default: First

      • last last page text. Default: Last

    Note: if you want to display the page number rather than the records range, use {page} and {pages} as a placeholders. E.g: Showing page {page} out of {pages}

Custom Event

The model you bound to the component will be automatically updated. In addition, when a page is selected a custom paginate event will be dispatched. Listen to it on the component and run your callback (@paginate="myCallback($event)")

Programmatic Manipulation

The simplest way to programmatically manipulate the page is to directly update your bound model.

In addition to that you can call the following methods using a ref on you component:

  • setPage(page)
  • next()
  • prev()
  • nextChunk()
  • prevChunk()

All methods return true if the page is legal and was thus set, or false otherwise.

Computed Properties

  • totalPages
  • totalChunks
  • currentChunk

Custom Template

You can easily build your own template by copying src/Pagination.vue to your project as a starting point and modifying the contents to your needs. Then notify the component of your custom template by passing it to the template option.

import MyPagination from './MyPagination'
    options: {
        template: MyPagination    

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  • matfish2