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0.4.2 • Public • Published

A library for writing uncluttered, easy to read field and schema validations.

Get Started

Install with: npm i -P valinor

In your code:

const { v } = require('valinor');

// Validate one variable in place.
let result =, 32).test(33);

// Reuse one valinor.
let goodPwd = v.str.min(8);

// Define a object schema valinor.
let schema = v.schema({
    name: v.str.match(/^[A-Z][a-z]+\ [A-Z][a-z]+$/),
    password: v.str.min(8),

result = schema.test({
    name: 'John Doe',
    password: 'abcdefgh',
    birth: new Date('1999-01-01')

// Ignore empty/null values on optional valinors.
let schemaWithOpt = v.schema({
    firstName: v.str,
    lastName: v.opt.str

    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: null

// Ensure you get only valdated keys of an object.
    firstName: 'John',
    unvalidated: 'This should not show up',
    lastName: 'Doe'

// Define default values to show up in final object instead of blank optionals
let schemaWithOpt = v.schema({
    firstName: v.str,
    lastName: v.opt.str.def('Doe')

    firstName: 'John'

v.test() method output is always an object with the following keys:

  • ok: Whether validation passed.
  • final: The input value after any modifications made by the Valinor. undefined unless all passed.
  • errs: Array containing all found validation errors. undefined if all passed.

Check the full rule reference for all the validations available.

Reporting Bugs

If you have found any problems with this module, please:

  1. Open an issue.
  2. Describe what happened and how.
  3. Also in the issue text, reference the label ~bug.

We will make sure to take a look when time allows us.

Proposing Features

If you wish to get that awesome feature or have some advice for us, please:

  1. Open an issue.
  2. Describe your ideas.
  3. Also in the issue text, reference the label ~proposal.


If you have spotted any enhancements to be made and is willing to get your hands dirty about it, fork us and submit your merge request so we can collaborate effectively.

Method Reference

  • test ( input ): Returns true if the input is valid. Returns an array or problems otherwise.

Rule Reference

  • in ( array ): Check if value can be found inside given array.
  • num: Check if value is a number.
  • numeric: Check if value is a number or a numeric string.
  • bool: Check if value is a boolean.
  • boolLike: Check if value is a boolean or a boolean-like value.
  • date: Check if value is a date.
  • isoDate: Check if value is a ISO date string.
  • obj: Check if value is an object. Will fail for arrays, dates and JSON strings.
  • str: Check if value is a string.
  • arr: Check if value is array. Will fail for JSON strings.
  • match ( regex ): Check if value matches the given regex.
  • gt ( primitive | date | array ): Check if value or it's length is greater than subject.
  • lt ( primitive | date | array ): Check if value or it's length is less than subject.
  • min ( primitive | date | array ): Check if value or it's length is equal or greater than the subject.
  • max ( primitive | date | array ): Check if value or it's length is equal or less than the subject.
  • between ( primitive | date | array ): Check if value or it's length is inclusively inside the given range.
  • len ( string | array ): Check if length is exactly the given subject.
  • has ( string | object | array ): Check if the value contains the subject. For string, object and array it checks respectively substring, keys and values.
  • future ( date ): Check if a date is in the future.
  • past ( date ): Check if a date is in the past.
  • today ( date ): Check if a date time is today.
  • schema ( object ): Check if object's keys follows all their respective Valinor rules.
  • every ( array ): Check if all array elements match a given Valinor rules.
  • some ( array ): Check if any values of the array match given rules. Also picks only the valid values.
  • opt: Mark the Valinor as optional, so skipping any validations for null, undefined or '' values.
  • not ( Valinor ): Negates the given rules.
  • dif ( primitive | date | array ): Check if values are sctrictly different. In Arrays, consider also order of elements.
  • def ( value ): Set a default value to show up on final object in case the valinor is optional and validates an empty value.
  • alter ( fn ): Mutates the input value acording to given funcion (fn) in a pipeline fashion before it reaches the next rule.
  • values ( Valinor ): Check if all value in an object match given rules.
  • keys ( Valinor ): Check if all keys in an object match given rules.

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