
5.80.2 • Public • Published

VEAF-logo Mission Creation Tools

Badge-Discord Badge-Wakatime

All scripts, libraries and documentation needed to build a dynamic mission in DCS using the VEAF scripts

/!\ Warning ! Version 5.0.0 has been released, please read the migration guide /!\

How to work on this package ?

Read the documentation! It's a work in progress, but it's a good start.

In the meantime, the legacy documentation (unmaintained, uncomplete) is still available here.

Speaking of work in progress, the documentation repository is the place to go to contribute to the documentation, if you wish to help.

If you want to program with us, you can start by looking at the code, specially the exampleObjectOrientedProgramming.lua example

What is this ? Is it like Moose ?

A bit like that, and not.

It uses MiST (and a tiny teeny part of Moose, for air spawns) to handle lots of runtime functionality:

  • spawning of units and groups (and portable TACANs)
  • air-to-ground missions
  • air-to-air missions
  • transport missions
  • carrier operations (not Moose)
  • tanker move
  • weather and ATC
  • shelling a zone, lighting it up
  • managing assets (tankers, awacs, aircraft carriers) : getting info, state, respawning them if needed
  • managing named points (position, info, ATC)
  • managing a dynamic radio menu
  • managing remote calls to the mission through NIOD (RPC) and SLMOD (LUA sockets)
  • managing security (not allowing everyone to do every action)
  • define groups templates

And also lots of design-time functionality:

  • automatically populating FARPs and grass runways with all that is neeed
  • spawning things at the start of a mission (interpreter of data stored in a fake unit on the mission)
  • normalizing a mission file (removing useless key in the dictionary, sorting everything) so it's easy to compare versions
  • injecting radio presets globally (e.g. all blue F18 get a standard freq plan)
  • injecting real weather in a mission

And probably other things I forget ;)




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  • davidp57
  • rexattaque
  • gduparquet