Hi, this is a simple package creating voronoi samplers.
The idea is that it you just give it points and values, and then when you use sample
function, which gives you value of nearest point.
const vs2d = new VoronoiSampler2D<string>();
vs2d.addPoint(-1, -1, "-");
vs2d.addPoint( 1, 1, "+");
console.log(vs2d.sample(-0.5, -0.4)); // will be "-", because point closest to sampled one is (-1, -1), which has the value "-"
Example 2:
const vg2d = new VoronoiGenerator2D(Math.random());
let point = vg2d.sample(0.0, 0.0); // returns a point.
// works by getting point on all round coords near sampled location, offseting each one by a random value, based on that's point position and voronoi seed, and returns nearest one
console.log(`x: ${point.x}, y: ${point.y}`);
Example 3:
cosnt vgNd = new VoronoiGeneratorND(3, Math.random()); // 3 dimensional voronoi generator
let point = vgNd.sample([0, 0, 0]);
console.log(`x: ${point[0]}, y: ${point[1]}, z: ${point[2]}`);