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JSDoc Tag Completions extension For VS Code

Integrates typescript-jsdoctag-completions-plugin into VS Code.

  • Load typescript-jsdoctag-completions-plugin as global plugin.

  • Loaded as global plugin, it allows jsdoc tag completion when editing all typescript/javascript related sources opened in vscode.

Settings Options

This extension contributes the following variables to the settings:

  • jsdoctag-completions.locale
    If locale is not set in the typescript project, it will be forced this value or native OS locale.
    locale value is the same as typescript compilerOptions.locale.

  • jsdoctag-completions.preset
    choose builtin preset (default, closure) or specify preset module path.
    default preset is typescript builtin jsdoc tags with additional jsdoc.app inline tag.

  • jsdoctag-completions.verbose
    enable/disable debug log to tsserver log file.

Locale priority

  • The priority to which the locale applies

    • 1 ts project (tsconfig.json etc)

    • 2 vscode setting (this extension jsdoctag-completions.locale)

    • 3 OS native


  • typescript-jsdoctag-completions-plugin requires module tsserverlibrary, but it is not included vscode builtin typescript,
    so use the Select TypeScript Version command to switch to workspace's typescript, etc. need to do it.

  • You can change locale and preset individually by setting plugin config for each (ts|js)config.json.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2019",
    "module": "esnext",
    "strict": true,
    // In TypeScript 5.x, compilerOptions/locale was removed,
    // so Moved locale to plugin settings.
    // however, for older versions of ts,
    // this value is still referenced as before from this plugin.
    // "locale": "ja",
    "plugins": [
        "name": "typescript-jsdoctag-completions-plugin",
        // Plugin specific configuration
        // builtin preset is "default" and "closure".
        // If you want to use a jsdoc tag preset that you have defined yourself based on the preset API,
        // specify the path of that module.
        "preset": "closure",
        "verbose": true,     // enable/disable plugin logging
        // plugin refers to the value of `@compilerOptions/plugins[@name=typescript-jsdoctag-completions-plugin]/locale`
        // If not set, use the OS locale
        "locale": "ja"

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  • motrohi