This plugin adds breadcrumbs to your project based on vue 3 or nuxt 3. It provides easy and variable setup with Vue Router. Also, it includes the small component.
npm i vue-3-breadcrumbs
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import breadcrumbs from 'vue-3-breadcrumbs'
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(breadcrumbs, {
includeComponent: false // {boolean} [includeComponent=false] - Include global breadcrumbs component or not
Usage description
// Every breadcrumb is an object:
$breadcrumbs[0] = {
label: "My first crumb", // {String} label - text of a crumb
link: '/some-path#special', // {String} [link=route.path] - crumb's "to" attribute for <router-link> component
current: false, // {Boolean} current - whether the breadcrumb relates to the current route or not. Usually current crumb is last one, except cases when it has falsy value.
_path: '/some_path', // {String} path - part of the current route.path related to crumb. Used as crumb's identifier
Breadcrumbs will be recalculated on every Vue Router afterEach hook.
If breadcrumb already exist in current chain, it won't be recalculated.
export default {
name: 'catalogPage',
mounted() {
console.log(this.$breadcrumbs.value) // you can simply get current breadcrumbs
// You can reactively change it
// !! It won't change meta object, or object returned by breadcrumb function
this.$breadcrumbs.value[0].label = 'New label'
// if for some reason you need to recalculate breadcrumbs or create crumb for some path u can use these methods
* Recalculate breadcrumbs for route
* @param {object} route
* Create breadcrumb object by path
* @param {string} path
* @param {boolean} [isCurrent = false]
const newCrumb = $breadcrumbs.createBreadcrumb('/some-path', true)
If you want to access breadcrumbs in Composition API (setup option), read this docs
Router settings
const routes = [
path: '/', // default link for crumb
component: Home,
meta: {
breadcrumb: 'Home' // Can be just a string
path: '/about',
component: About,
meta: {
// Can be an object
breadcrumb: {
label: 'About Crumb',
link: '/about#special' // custom link
path: '/catalog',
component: Catalog,
meta: {
breadcrumb: false // If crumb has falsy value, it would be skipped
path: '/catalog/:id',
component: Item,
meta: {
* Can be a function that returns string, object or falsy value (see above)
* @param {object} route - crumbs's route
* @param {object} app - object resulting from Vue's createApp
breadcrumb (route, app) {
return `Item ${}`
children: [
path: '/catalog/:id/:sub',
component: SubItem,
meta: {
breadcrumb(route, app) {
// Using api
let breadcrumb = app.config.globalProperties.$api.getBreadcrumb(route)
return {
label: `SubItem ${breadcrumb}`,
link: `${route.path}#special`
const router = createRouter({
Component usage
Don't forget to include it first (by includeComponent option). This is async component, so it won't be imported, if you don't use it
:showCurrentCrumb="true" <!-- {Boolean} [showCurrentCrumb=true] - Whether to show the breadcrumb of current route or not -->
<template #crumb="{ crumb }">
{{ crumb.label }}
Works within ssr mode
- Add plugin
// plugins/breadcrumbs.js
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import breadcrumbs from 'vue-3-breadcrumbs'
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
const app = nuxtApp.vueApp.use(breadcrumbs, {
includeComponent: true, // same as for vue
// without this return, you won't be able to access $breadcrumbs from useNuxtApp directly,
// but this.$breadcrumbs will be available anyway
return {
provide: {
breadcrumbs: app.config.globalProperties.$breadcrumbs
- Set breadcrumbs for pages
// pages/index.vue
export default {
name: 'mainPage',
setup() {
breadcrumb: 'Home page' // string, object or function
- Use Component (see vue above)
- Access breadcrumbs
// pages/index.vue
export default {
name: 'mainPage',
setup() {
const { $breadcrumbs } = useNuxtApp()
console.log('Breadcrumbs array', $breadcrumbs.value)
mounted() {
console.log('Breadcrumbs in mounted', this.$breadcrumbs.value)