
0.1.0 • Public • Published

| vue-canvas-element

vue-canvas-element is a Vue component to create a multipurpose canvas card. vue-canvas-element has many options and can be used in different situations like:

  • dashboard statistic information
  • business card
  • product card

See demo for details.


  • default size works on desktop, laptop, mobile (max width 320px), but each canvas can be set with custom width and height (px,%,em,rem accepted)
  • 3 actions slots ($emit(...))
  • custom options for visual impact (colors, icons, images, etc.)
  • flip effect available (onclick) with a new configurable canvas
  • HTML injection available for almost all elements



For full demo examples code SandBox


npm install vue-canvas-element


Import component

import VCanvasElement from 'vue-canvas-element'

In template (for options and configuration see Docs below)

    title="your title"
    label="your label"


vue-canvas-element has many options that you can control in order to fit with your template/layout/app.

We designed the component in order to make compatible with a clean project so we decided to not include any dependency. For this reason you can add to any Vue project as is, without depending on third libraries, or simply using yours.

For any issue please open an issue on github repository.



Prop Required Description Type Default Notes
name YES name or ID of canvas String Used to assign $emit events
width NO canvas width String 320px standard CSS values (px,%, rem, ecc,)
height NO canvas width String 10.5rem standard CSS value
title NO canvas title String Title HTML injection available
label NO canvas label String Label HTML injection available
content NO canvas content String abstract HTML injection available
color NO background color/image String #FFF CSS or url(image_url) or image_uri
text_color NO color for all text elements String #555 standard CSS value
icon_box NO background color of icon box String #fff standard CSS value
icon_color NO color of icon box icon String #555 standard CSS value
icon NO icon String HTML injection available
image NO image to set in the icon box String url(your image) or image uri
elevation NO box shadow setting String '0' 1 thru 3 elevations available
divider NO set a divider line between content and footer String '0' set the px border height as divider
flip NO enable/disable flipping canvas Boolean false
flip_text NO help text to click for flip String 'more'
back_color NO background color of the flipped canvas String #fff standard CSS value
back_content NO content of the flipped canvas String any HTML code
slot_1 NO left button slot of the footer String HTML injection available
slot_2 NO center button slot of the footer String HTML injection available
slot_3 NO right button slot of the footer String HTML injection available


vue-canvas-element emits 1 event (this.$emit(...)) in order to get the following user actions:

  • click on the footer left button/link
  • click on the footer center button/link
  • click on the footer right button/link

Since there are 3 clickable area available in the canvas footer that you can customize with your HTML code a click on each of this area emits one event with the following info:

  • function ( name , slot ) where name is the canvas name and slot the slot clicked You need at least 1 slot option set in order to use the emit event.
Event Required Description Type Return
@slotClick NO click on one of the three clickable area Function -name of canvas(String)
-slot clicked(Number)

In your template you have to set a function that get the emitted event. Example

    label="New orders"
    slot_2="<button class='btn'>Click to get info</button>"
export default {
      //@canvas: canvas name
      //@slot: slot clicked (1,2 or 3)
      //set your logic here


Development or demo Component uses Google Material Design icons. If you don't have any icons library you can add to your index.html

<link href=",300,400,500,700,900|Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">


Released under MIT license.

Package Sidebar


npm i vue-canvas-element

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  • swina