kg plugin for vue-cli
using plugin system to build suyun project, this allows our project to stay up-to-date for the long run. without the need for separate upgrade
, and other tools.
- convert pixel unit to rem unit for mobile project
- deploy project to suyun's server
- create mock for REST API's
- global resoure
- css stylelint
- css sprites
- ...
By curl
command to save the preset file to a local, new project is created so that subsequent reads
curl -sSL > ~/.vuerc
create a project to load a preset file to eliminate the tedious steps to manually select the configuration item
# projectName
vue create --preset kg <projectName>
It is recommended to commit your project's current state before running curl
, since the command will invoke the plugin's file generator and potentially make changes to your existing files.
curl -sSL | bash
After the command is completed in the command line lists the changes file
vue-cli-service deploy [options]
--source <specify local directory>
- e.g.
--source dist/sandbox
- e.g.
--mode <specify server environment>
- e.g.
--mode online
- e.g.
--region <specify region of Aliyun OSS>
- e.g.
--region oss-cn-beijing
- e.g.