
0.1.50 • Public • Published


Status: beta

🐤 Vue plugin for Vue CLI plugin CLM Helper

Extend Vuex Store and include basic components for MI Touch Presentations

Table of contents


Install component to your project:

yarn add vue-clm-helper-mi-touch

Import and include to Vue Instance installed plugin:

// main.js
import MtPlugin from 'vue-clm-helper-mi-touch'

Vue.use(MtPlugin, store) // store is required

Use plugin in components (App.vue or slide-component):

  <div id="app">

Store Extending

This plugin is extending Vuex store.

  const state = {
    activePopup: ''

  const mutations = {
    POPUP_SHOW(state, popupName) {
      state.activePopup = popupName;

    POPUP_HIDE(state) {
      state.activePopup = ''

  store.registerModule('mi-touch', {
    namespaced: true,

Doing mutations:

  methods: {
    popupOpen(popupName) {
      this.$store.commit('mi-touch/POPUP_SHOW', popupName);
    popupClose() {

Registered components

Plugin register components mt-menu, mt-popup and pdf-popup globally.

For using components, just include it in template.

MI Touch components have basic functional and styles.

Basically, you don't need pass any props, it automatic find current slide, main slide, current flow and popup text data.

But, in some cases you can pass following props:


Prop Type Default Description
mainSlide Object this.structure[0] First slide in structure. Must have following keys: id, path, name.
currentSlide Object this.$store.state.currentSlide Object with following keys: id, path, name.
slides Array this.structure.filter(sl => new RegExp(`slide-${this.currentFlow}`).test( Filtered slides from current flow name, will rendering in top list in menu.
flows Array this.structure.filter(sl => /\d_1$/.test(; Filtered slides from each first slide in each flow, will rendering in bottom list in menu.
btnInstrCb Function () => this.popupOpen('instructions') Callback for Instructions button
btnFaqCb Function () => this.navigateTo(<first slide-faq>) Callback for FAQ button
slidesToActiveAutoTransform Number 6 If slidesToActiveAutoTransform >= slides.length then current slide list item will be moved to left side.
flowsToActiveAutoTransform Number 6 If flowsToActiveAutoTransform >= flows.length then current slide list item will be moved to left side.

:info: For deactivate necessary swiper, please set slidesToActiveAutoTransform or flowsToActiveAutoTransform to 0.

// Now slides and flows will not be a swipable.
<mt-menu :slidesToActiveAutoTransform="0" :flowsToActiveAutoTransform="0"/>


Prop Type Default Description
dataPopup Object this.$store.state.currentData.popup[this.activePopup] Object with text data. Popup DOM three will render with vue-json-to-html
animation String 'fade' Name for transition wrapper component. Don't forget to describe custom transition classes
instrPath String 'media/pdf/instruction.pdf' Path to pdf file which will open after click on Instruction Button, file must contain in public/${instrPath}


⚠️ Show pdf-popup only with v-if directive.

Prop Type Default Description
instrPath String undefined Path to pdf file which must have .pdf end of string.
closePdf Function () => {this.$store.commit('mi-touch/POPUP_HIDE')} Callback for close button in <pdf-popup/>.

Example: Using custom instructions popup.

// App.vue
  <div id="app" :class="[, clmName]" v-touch:swipe="swipeHandler">
    <mt-menu v-show="true"/>
      <template slot="instructions">
        <button @touchend="openPdf('media/pdf/pdf-1.pdf')">Show PDF 1</button>
        <button @touchend="openPdf('media/pdf/pdf-2.pdf')">Show PDF 2</button>

    <transition name="fade">
      <pdf-popup v-if="activePdf" class="pdf-popup" :instr-path="activePdf" :closePdf="closePdf"/>

  export default {
    data: () => ({
      activePdf: '',
    methods: {
      openPdf(pdf) {
        this.activePdf = pdf;
      closePdf() {
        this.activePdf = '';

Also tou can use named slots to pass some HTML to necessary popup:

Slot content bellow will be added to actual popup block:

  <template slot="references">
    <h1>Here might be a references title</h1>
  <template slot="research-design">
    <h1>Here might be a research design title</h1>
 <template slot="instructions">
   <button @touchend="openPdf('media/pdf/pdf-1.pdf')">Show PDF 1</button>
   <button @touchend="openPdf('media/pdf/pdf-2.pdf')">Show PDF 2</button>




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  • a.voloshchuk