
3.1.0 • Public • Published


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Enhanced checkboxes / radio input, component for vue 3. For vue 2, please check 1.5.X releases.

Live demo here

Note that unicode is used for 'icons'. Therefore design can change according to your browser. It is still possible to override CSS style (checked and hover styles)

Based on first enhancedCheck project (CSS/JS)

Global use

  • npm install in console
npm install --save vue-enhanced-check
  • import components in your code
import { EnhancedCheck, EnhancedCheckGroup, EnhancedCheckRadio, EnhancedToggle } from 'vue-enhanced-check'

or only one according to your needs

import { EnhancedCheck } from 'vue-enhanced-check'

you may also import them globally in your app

import { createApp } from "vue";
import vueEnhancedCheck from "vue-enhanced-check";
  • Use components as described below



Label is prefixed by 'check' icon

<enhanced-check label="Checkbox"></enhanced-check>
<enhanced-check :label="sc_label" :sub-class="sc_subclass"
                v-model="sc_model" :disabled="sc_disabled"
                :rounded="sc_rounded" :animate="sc_animate"
                id="enhancedCheck" name="" value="">

Prop Type Note
label String REQUIRED: by design, label is a main part of the display
id String id of input and associated label.
name String name of classic input. Empty by default
value String value of classic input. Empty by default
sub-class String Same colors than bootstrap style, possible values are 'default', 'primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger'
disabled Boolean False by default. Prevent clic action but not direct model change
rounded Boolean False by default. Rounded border style
animate Boolean False by default. Add a transition on style

As a classic simple checkbox, model bound to check state: true or false

Checkbox group

<enhanced-check-group :label="['First', 'Second', 'Third']"></enhanced-check-group>
<enhanced-check-group :label="['First', 'Second', 'Third']"
                      :sub-class="gc_subclass" v-model="gc_model"
                      :disabled="gc_disabled" :rounded="gc_rounded"
                      :animate="gc_animate" :inline="gc_inline"
                      :value="[gc_val1, gc_val2, gc_val3]"
                      id="enhancedCheckGroup" name="">
Prop Type Note
label Array REQUIRED
value Array Value for each input. By default equal to label
id String/Array id of input and associated label. If string provided, each element id will have a counter as suffix
name String/Array name of classic input. Use array to specify different names
sub-class String Same than checkbox
disabled Boolean Same than checkbox
rounded Boolean Same than checkbox
animate Boolean Same than checkbox
inline Boolean False by default. Turn all input as inline-block
combine Boolean False by default. Turn 'check' icon into 'plus' icon

As classic multiple checkboxes, model bound to array of value from checked input


Label is prefixed by 'dot' icon

<enhanced-check-radio :label="['Element A', 'Element B', 'Element C']"></enhanced-check-radio>
<enhanced-check-radio :label="['Element A', 'Element B', 'Element C']"
                      name="radiotest" :sub-class="rc_subclass"
                      v-model="rc_model" :disabled="rc_disabled"
                      :rounded="rc_rounded" :animate="rc_animate"
                      :inline="rc_inline" id="enhancedCheckRadio" 
                      :value="[rc_val1, rc_val2, rc_val3]">

Prop Type Note
label Array REQUIRED
name String name of classic input.
id String/Array id of input and associated label. If string provided, each element id will have a counter as suffix
value Array Value for each input. By default equal to label
sub-class String Same than checkbox
disabled Boolean Same than checkbox
rounded Boolean Same than checkbox
animate Boolean Same than checkbox
inline Boolean Same than checkbox group

As classic radio buttons, model bound to value from checked input

Toggle button

Checkbox is replaced by 2 switching labels, for on and off states

<enhanced-toggle :label-cn="tc_labelOn" :label-off="tc_labelOff"
                 :style-on="tc_styleOn" :style-off="tc_styleOff"
                 :disabled="tc_disabled" :rounded="tc_rounded"
                 id="enhancedToggle" name="">
Prop Type Note
label-on String Label display for 'on' state (checked). Default is 'On'
label-off String Label display for 'off' state (unchecked). Default is 'Off'
style-on String style for 'on' state (checked), see checkbox's subclass. Default is primary
style-off String style for 'off' state (unchecked), see checkbox's subclass. Default is default
id String id of input and associated label.
name String Same than checkbox
value String Same than checkbox
disabled Boolean Same than checkbox
rounded Boolean Same than checkbox

As a classic simple checkbox, model bound to check state: true or false

Override style

Base variable override usecase

You can override base CSS variable used, like colors or icons. After importing this library style, override CSS variable in root. For example, the following CSS will:

  • use star icons instead of checkmarks for checkboxes
  • set primary color to fuchsia and primary borders to rosybrown
:root {
  --enhanced-check-icon-checkbox: '\2606';
  --enhanced-check-color-primary: fuchsia;
  --enhanced-check-color-dark-primary: rosybrown;

Refer to src/styles/variables.css for the full list of variable used in this library that you can override.

New style usecase

You can also define your own check class by adding specific style

For example, let's define a 'custom' sub class.

<enhanced-check label="Custom" sub-class="custom"></enhanced-check>

Checkbox will get the class 'enhancedCheck-custom', that you can use in your CSS. Simple override for checkboxes:

.enhancedCheck.enhancedCheck-custom input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before {
  background: fuchsia;
  color: white;
.enhancedCheck.enhancedCheck-custom input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked) + label:hover {
  border-color: fuchsia;

Full less sample:

.enhancedCheck.enhancedCheck-custom {
  input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"] {
    &:checked + label:before {
      background: fuchsia;
      color: white;
    &:not(:checked) + label:hover {
      border: 1px solid fuchsia;
    &:checked:disabled + label:before {
      background: rosybrown;
    &:not(:checked):disabled + label:hover {
      border: 1px solid rosybrown;


This library is managed with vue-CLI

  • Fork the repository
  • Run npm install
  • You can run npm run serve, the script will start the mini demo application
  • Do your stuff
  • When you're done, run npm run build command and commit your work for a pull request.

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npm i vue-enhanced-check

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  • keiwen