John Conway's Game of Life
A Vue component to render aInstall
npm install vue-game-of-life --save
How to use
Import and register the plugin as usual
Then use it as you would with any component
The following props can be sent to the component:
Name | Type | Default | Desctiption |
cols | Number | 100 | Number of columns |
rows | Number | 100 | Number of rows |
cellWidth | Number | 5 | Width of each cell |
tickInterval | Number | 100 | Time between each 'tick' in milliseconds |
color | String | #ddd | Color to display the alive cells |
alivePercent | Number | 10 | Initial percent of alive cells |
Getting data out
You can also get some data out of the component, such as number of ticks, cells alive and dead cells.
Do that using a slot scope
Tick: {{ ticks }}, Alive: {{ cellsAlive }}, Dead: {{ cellsDead }}