
2.2.4 • Public • Published
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📷 vue-media-upload is a Vuejs package that handle multiple images upload and preview.

🖼️ This package support the create and the update form, and handles the upload for you.

vue-media-upload - multiple image upload with preview

👀 Demo

💻 Install

via npm

npm install vue-media-upload

or via yarn

yarn add vue-media-upload

🕹 Usage

import { createApp } from 'vue';

import Uploader from 'vue-media-upload';

let app = createApp({})

app.component('Uploader', Uploader);



import Uploader from "vue-media-upload";

export default {
  components: {

🔎 Example

Create Form


  import Uploader from 'vue-media-upload'

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        media: []
      changeMedia(media){ = media
    components: {

Update Form


  import Uploader from 'vue-media-upload'

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        media: {
          saved: [
            { id: 1, name: '123_image.jpg' },
            { id: 2, name: '456_image.jpg' },
          added: [],
          removed: []
      addMedia(addedImage, addedMedia){ = addedMedia
      removeMedia(removedImage, removedMedia){ = removedMedia
    components: {

⚙️ Props

Prop Type Default Description
server String '/api/upload' The Route that handle the image upload. The Upload handler should return the name of the uploaded image in the following format:
{ "name": "123_image.jpg" }
isInvalid Boolean false Whether error styling should be applied.
media Array [] The list of the stored images, that each of which must have the property name containing the name of the image.
[ { name: '123_image.jpg' } , { name: '456_image.jpg' } ]
location String '' The location of the folder where the saved images are stored.
max Number null The maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded.
maxFilesize Number 4 The maximum filesize (in megabytes) that is allowed to be uploaded
warnings Boolean true By default, the package uses JavaScript alerts to display warnings. In case you want to use your custom warnings, you can disable the component pop-ups using this prop.
headers Object null An optional prop to send additional headers to the server. Eg: { "Authorization": "Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" }

💾 Events

Event Payload Description
@init param : The list of all the listed images. Emitted when the component is ready to use.
@change param : The list of all the listed images. Emitted after an image was added or removed.
@add param1 : The image that was added.
param2 : The list of the added Images.
Emitted after an image was added.
@remove param1 : The image that was removed.
param2 : The list of images that have been removed from the stored media.
Emitted after an image was removed.
@max Emitted when max prop is exceeded.
@max-filesize param : The image size. Emitted when maxFilesize prop is exceeded.

📙 How it works in a Server-Rendered Form?

  1. vue-media-upload component uploads the image image.jpg as multipart/form-data using a POST request.

  2. server temporary saves the image with a unique name 123_image.jpg in a /tmp/uploads folder.

  3. server returns the unique name 123_image.jpg in a request response.

  4. vue-media-upload insert the unique name 123_image.jpg in a hidden html input with name="added_media[]".

  5. user submits the component parent form, which includes the hidden input field containing the unique image name.

  6. server uses the unique image name to move 123_image.jpg from the /tmp/uploads folder to its final location.

🔣 Inputs

Note that all this inputs are hidden and they are just a way to validate and pass data to the backend when using this package in a Server-Rendered Form!

Name attribute Description
added_media[] The added images in the component
removed_media[] The images that have been removed from the stored media.
media This input is added, when the component has at least one image or more listed, as a way for the backend to validate the Images as being required.

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create new branch with feature name.
  3. Create your feature.
  4. Commit and set commit message with feature name.
  5. Push your code to your fork repository.
  6. Create pull request. 🙂

⭐️ Support

If you like this project, You can support me with starring ⭐ this repository.

vue-media-upload - multiple image upload with preview

📄 License


Developed with ❤️

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npm i vue-media-upload

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  • saimow