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vue-mu: Manage Multiple Vue.js Apps

Manage multiple instances of a Vue.js app with individual configuration.


vue-mu is a Vue.js plugin that helps you to manage Vue.js apps in environments, which serve multiple instances of the same Vue.js app with different configuration settings.


By default Vue.js does not provide a handsome way to configure instances of the same app independently.

Imagine a server side served dashboard page. This dashboard contains multiple same-looking widgets which display different table based contents provided by an API, each widget is a Vue.js app. The base for these widgets could easily be one single Vue.js app. But how do we configure these app instances independently? You could do some inline-scripting... Or you can use vue-mu and provide individual configuration properties via the html data attribute to each app instance.



Add vue-mu after vue:

<!-- latest development version, includes helpful console warnings by default -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- latest production version, minified and silent by default -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


npm install --save vue-mu
import Vue from 'vue'; // replace vue
import VueMu from 'vue-mu'; // with vue-mu

Do not remove vue from your package.json and node_modules, it is used internally by vue-mu.


vue-mu needs a new identifier, to load your app. Switch into the HTML code where your <div id="app" /> entry container resides and make one modification:

<div id="app"></div> <!-- replace this -->
<div data-vue-mu-el="myapp"></div> <!-- with this -->

Now you will notice, that your app won't mount anymore. Fix it by replacing the Vue.js initialization in your JavaScript code with vue-mu:

// replace vue
new Vue({ /* vue configuration options */ }).$mount('#app');

// with vue-mu
new VueMu(
  { /* vue configuration options */ },
  { el: 'myapp', /* ...more vue-mu configuration options */ }


Add configuration options via data attributes:

  data-vue-mu-config-hello="Hello from instance configuration"

Use the new configuration properties inside your Vue.js app:

  // some vue data, computed properties, methods...
  created() {

If you've done everything right, this will print your new configuration properties to the console of your browser:

// console.log() output inside devtools
  hello: 'Hello from instance configuration',
  isAdmin: true,
  price: 90.99

Does it? Congrats, you are now a successful user of vue-mu.

Multiple instances

This is the hot stuff where vue-mu reveals its power. Duplicate the HTML entry element and make some changes inside the data-vue-mu-config-* attribute values of the new element. Reload the page. Now you should get two Vue.js app instances with different configuration.


this.$mu.config is globally available in your app and contains all the configuation options you hand over via data-vue-mu-config-* attributes to the instance.

Access single configuration properties by typing this.$mu.config.isAdmin, this.$mu.config.price...

Usage inside Vue.js templates

Use vue-mu configuration inside your Vue.js templates:

  <div>{{ $mu.config.hello }}</div>

Configuration property key format

All data-vue-mu-config-* attributes should be written in kebab-case format. Inside the Vue.js app instance these config properties are available in camelCase format:

HTML data attribute Access inside Vue.js
data-vue-mu-config-foobar this.$mu.config.foobar
data-vue-mu-config-foo-bar this.$mu.config.fooBar

Configuration property value format

As you may have already noticed, vue-mu automatically converts the values of the data config attributes into their natural format via auto-parse. Some examples:

HTML data attribute value Value format inside Vue.js
data-vue-mu-config-foo="Test" String
data-vue-mu-config-foo="90.99" Number
data-vue-mu-config-foo="true" Boolean

Global configuration property

You can use data-vue-mu-config='{ "some": "json", "config": "data" }' directly to pass all configuration properties at once. This can be combined with additive data-vue-mu-config-* attributes, which will in turn override duplicate properties defined in data-vue-mu-config.

    "hello": "Hello from instance configuration",
    "isAdmin": true,
    "price": 90.99
  data-vue-mu-config-hello="Hello world!"

Results in:

// console.log(this.$mu.config)
  hello: 'Hello world!',
  isAdmin: true,
  price: 90.99


Format Required Property Default value Description
String true el undefined Identifier for the Vue.js app instances
String false ident 'vue-mu' Data attribute identifier data-vue-mu-*. Change this eg. to app if you want to access vue-mu by data-app-*.
Boolean / Selector false observe false Observe DOM changes and initialize app instances dynamically. true observes the whole document <body>, document.querySelector('.foo') or document.querySelectorAll('.bar') observes only changes in these elements. Selector elements must be present before vue-mu gets loaded.
Boolean false silent false * If set to false vue-mu throws errors on misconfiguration (*: defaults true in minified browser/umd version)
Boolean false strict false Only accept data-vue-mu-config-* properties defined in config option
Object false config {} Use this to define a default configuration for instances, overwritable by data properties.

Example configuration:

new VueMu(
    // some vue data, computed properties, methods...
    created() {
    el: 'myapp',
    ident: 'vue-mu',
    silent: false,
    strict: true,
    config: {
      hello: '',
      isAdmin: false,

Advanced usage

Usage inside Vuex

Access vue-mu configuration inside Vuex the same way you are using it inside your Vue.js app:

new Vuex.Store({
  // state, getters, mutations
  actions: {
    someAction() {
      // more action specific code

Instance scoped Vuex

If you have multiple instances of the same app running Vuex, you may want to scope the store to each instance individually.

import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';


// change this
export default new Vuex.Store({ /* store config */});

// to this
export default () => new Vuex.Store({ /* store config */});

Global installation for multiple Vue.js apps

If multiple different apps use vue-mu you should think about loading vue-mu and vue globally (for example via CDN) to save bandwith and bundle size.

<!-- entry elements go here -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- import vue-app scripts here -->

If you are using vue-cli you should mark vue and vue-mu as external dependencies inside vue.config.js in each app:

module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: (config) => {
      vue: 'Vue',
      'vue-mu': 'VueMu',

Global configuration defaults

Set some global defaults, used by every app. Apps can overwrite these defaults via their instance settings:

<!-- entry elements go here -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
VueMu.defaults = {
  strict: true,
  silent: false,
  // ...
<!-- import vue-app scripts here -->


vue-mu is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (C) 2019 Leonard Hertel




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