
2.0.1 • Public • Published


Breaking changes in v2.0.0 (18/09/2019)

Version 2.0.0, released on September 18 2019, introduced some breaking changes:

  • A new prop elsOptions has been introduced to enable passing options to the underlying stripe.elements() method
  • The options prop has been renamed to elOptions to preserve naming consistency


vue-stripe-elements, but different.


I needed Iban support, not provided by vue-stripe-elements

Moreover vue-stripe-elements, prevents you from using multiple <stripe-elements/> components on the same page, as there is only one instance of the createToken and createSource methods needed to further process payment.

Anyway, I forked vue-stripe-elements and added scoped slots and made createToken and createSource methods accessible per component.


Install the package:

// if your one of the cool kidz:
yarn add vue-stripe-better-elements
// or if you're old school:
npm i vue-stripe-better-elements

Make sure you include the Stripe.js library somewhere in your page

<script src=""></script>

You should be good to go!

What you get for free:

The library exports several properties, but you will mainly use:

  • The StripeElement component, that calls the Stripe.js library under the hood and display the stripe Element matching the type props:

    import { StripeElement } from
    <stripe-element type="card" />
    <stripe-element type="iban" />
  • A Stripe object with the following structure:

      components: [ /* list of instanciated components*/ ],
      get: function (componentType, stripeKey) {
        // return the component matching type and key

Each component looks like this:

  type: 'card',         // element type (card, iban...)
  key: 'pk_test_xxxx',  // the stripe key used for this component,
  element: {/*..*/},    // the stripe element created by the Stripe library,
  elements: {/*..*/},   // the stripe elements created by the Stripe library,
  createToken: fn,      // the element's createToken function
  createSource: fn,     // the element's createSource function
  retrieveSource: fn    // the element's retrieveSource function

Component props:

Breaking changes in v2.0.0 (18/09/2019):

  • type (required):

    A string containing a stripe Element type. Currently accepts one of the following: card, iban, cardNumber, cardExpiry, cardCvc

  • stripe:

    Your stripe public key (pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) or a stripe instance.

  • elOptions

    A stripe Element option object used to create the current element. For example, the Iban element needs a {supportedCountries: ['SEPA']} option object. Practically, it will be passed as the option parameter in the call to elements.create('iban', options) See the Stripe documentation for further information.

  • elsOptions

    An object that will be used to create an instance of elements, which manages a group of Elements. You can use this to change the locale of your component (ie: set it to { locale: 'de' } to switch the current component to German. More information on the Stripe documentation

  • stripeOptions

    A object to create an instance of the Stripe object. Attention : Please note that this option will overwrite any custom elsOptions defined. ie: if you set your locales via this option, you won't be able to set your locale per component via ``elsOptions.

Documentation for v1.0.x [deprecated]

STFU & Show me the code

There are two ways to use the library:

Using Scoped Slots

  <div class="container">
    <!-- stripe Iban element -->
      @change="ibcompleted = $event.complete"
      <template slot-scope="slotProps">
        <button :disabled="!ibcompleted" @click="payByIban(slotProps.elements)">
          Pay by IBAN
    <!-- stripe Card element -->
      @change="cdcompleted = $event.complete"
      <template slot-scope="slotProps">
        <button :disabled="!cdcompleted" @click="payByCard(slotProps)">
          Pay by Card
  import { StripeElement } from "vue-stripe-better-elements";
  export default {
    components: {
    data: () => ({
      stripeKey: "pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      elsOptions: {
        locale: "fr"
      ibanOptions: {
        supportedCountries: [`SEPA`],
        placeholderCountry: `DE`
      ibcompleted: false,
      cdcompleted: false
    methods: {
      payByIban({ createSource }) {
          type: "sepa_debit",
          currency: "eur",
          owner: {
            name: "foobar",
            email: ""
          mandate: {
            notification_method: "email"
      payByCard(slotProps) {

Using global Stripe object

If you need to display the payment button somewhere else in your page, then this is for you:

  <div class="container">
    <!-- stripe Iban element -->
      @change="ibcompleted = $event.complete"
    <!-- stripe Card element -->
      @change="cdcompleted = $event.complete"
    <div class="buttons has-addons is-centered">
        class="button is-info"
        Pay by Card
        class="button is-info"
        Pay by IBAN
  import { StripeElement, Stripe } from "vue-stripe-better-elements";
  export default {
    components: {
    data: () => ({
      // set the locale to german
      elsOptions: {
        locale: "de"
      ibanOptions: {
        supportedCountries: [`SEPA`],
        placeholderCountry: `DE`
      ibcompleted: false,
      cdcompleted: false
    methods: {
      payByIban() {
        Stripe.get("iban", this.stripeKey)
            type: "sepa_debit",
            currency: "eur",
            owner: {
              name: "foobar",
              email: ""
            mandate: {
              notification_method: "email"
      payByCard() {
        Stripe.get("card", this.stripeKey)


You will find an example in the example folder (how original).

git clone
cd example
yarn global add @vue/cli-service-global
echo "VUE_APP_STRIPE_KEY=pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" > .env
yarn serve

Then, point your browser to the URL displayed in your terminal.


Not carefully tested, use at your own risks.

If you find a bug, make a PR. If you find more bugs, make more PR.

Don't open an issue asking for unit tests. If you need tests, write a PR.

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npm i vue-stripe-better-elements

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