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2.1.0 • Public • Published

vue-svg-pan-zoom : Vue 3 component for SVG-Pan-Zoom

This module is a very simple Vue 3 component providing the goodness of SVG-Pan-Zoom for SVG elements.

/!\ WARNING: the module is young, basic, probably will have its API change with no notice, and likely to have bugs. Use at your own risk, send patches for my eternal gratitude.

Basic Use

In a Single File Component:

    style="width: 500px; height: 500px; border:1px solid black;"
      <circle x="10" y="10" r="5" />
    </svg> </SvgPanZoom

import SvgPanZoom from "vue-svg-pan-zoom";

export default {
  components: { SvgPanZoom }


Currently the SvgPanZoom component only works with a svg child -- embed won't work.


SvgPanZoom accepts as props most svg-pan-zoom options:

attribute default
zoomEnabled true
controlIconsEnabled false
fit true
panEnabled true
dblClickZoomEnabled true
mouseWheelZoomEnabled true
preventMouseEventsDefault true
contain false
center true
viewportSelector .svg-pan-zoom_viewport
zoomScaleSensitivity 0.2
minZoom 0.5
maxZoom 10
refreshRate auto
event arguments
beforeZoom (oldScale: number, newScale: number)
onZoom (newScale: number)
beforePan (oldPan: SvgPanZoom.Point, newPan: SvgPanZoom.Point)
onPan (newPan: SvgPanZoom.Point)
onUpdatedCTM (newCTM: SVGMatrix)
created (spz: SvgPanZoom.Instance)
thumbnailCreated (spz: SvgPanZoom.Instance)

svgpanzoom object

To access the created svgpanzoom javascript object, you can listen to the created event on the SvgPanZoom component.

    <input type="button" value="center me" @click="center" />
      style="width: 500px; height: 500px; border:1px solid black;"
      <RawTiger />

import RawTiger from "./RawTiger.vue";
import SvgPanZoom from "vue-svg-pan-zoom";

export default {
  components: { SvgPanZoom, RawTiger },
  data: () => ({ svgpanzoom: null }),
  methods: {
    registerSvgPanZoom(svgpanzoom) {
      this.svgpanzoom = svgpanzoom;
    center() {
      if (!this.svgpanzoom) return;;

Use with thumbnails

In a Single File Component:

  <SvgPanZoom style="width: 300px; height: 500px; border:1px solid black; ">
    <template #default>
    <template #thumbnail>...</template>

import SvgPanZoom from "vue-svg-pan-zoom";

export default {
  components: { SvgPanZoom }

Just like the main SvgPanZoom component, the thumbnail slot needs to be assigned to a svg node -- embed won't work.

Storybook demos

To run Storybook stories duplicating the demos of the main SVG-Pan-Zoom project, do

$ yarn install --dev
$ yarn storybook



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  • yanick