
0.1.3 • Public • Published


Yet another tree component for vue



vue-y-tree is a UMD module, it means:

  • you can use it as an npm package
  • or you can load it directly in browser, and access it with the global variable VueTree
npm install vue-y-tree


<body style="background: #fff">
  <div>selected: {{ text }}</div>
  <tree :tree="tree" :display-args="args" @tree-select="onSelect"></tree>
// directly used in browser
// var yTree = VueTree.yTree;
var yTree = require('vue-y-tree').yTree;
new Vue({
    el: 'body',
        components: {
     tree: yTree
    methods: {
     onSelect: function (data) {
       this.text = data;
    data: function () {
     return {
       text: 'none',
       tree: {
         value: 'level 1',
          children: [
             value: 'level 2 A'
             value: 'level 2 B',
              children: [
               { value: 'level 3 A'},
                { value: 'level 3 B'},
                { value: 'level 3 C'}
        args: {
         valueToString: x => x


Two vue components are exported in vue-y-tree:

  • xTree
    • the more general tree component, including recursive render, fold/unfold and select, but without any css
  • yTree
    • wrap xTree with a little more fancy display

xTree is implemented with flexibility. It is all about how to interact with a tree, but it doesn't care how to display your tree node. You can pass in your own component to display whatever exists in your tree data (checkout the dom tree demo).

Use yTree if you just want to display normal text in each tree node, while it is recommended to use xTree if you have a complex data structure and want to customize the display.



Name type required default Description
tree Object true tree data to be rendered
childrenName String false 'children' the children key in the tree data
valueName String false 'value' the children key in the tree data
idName String false the key to determine whether one node is selected, could be omitted. If omitted, all nodes will be assigned a unique id.
isFold Boolean false false whether a tree is folded in the first place
isSelected Boolean false false where a tree is selected in the first place
displayComponent Object false the Component to display tree value
displayArgs Object false extra args to be passed to displayComponent
extraClass String false extra class to be added on the root element, use it for your own css
treeStyle Object false {} customized inline style for the tree


Your customized displayComponent will get the following props:

Name type Description
value Object, String the value to be displayed
toggleFold Function (no args) the method to fold/unfold the whole tree
select Function (no args) the method to select the tree node
isRoot Boolean whether the node is a root node or not
isFold Boolean whether the node is folded or not
isSelected Boolean whether the node is selected or not
hasChildren Boolean whether the node has children or not
args Object the extra args passed from xTree's displayArgs


props of yTree is almost the same as xTree, expect that there is no more displayComponent. yTree has already set the displayComponent for you, all you need is to pass in the displayArgs. so, let's get some insights of the displayArgs for yTree.

var displayArgs = {
  // a function turning tree value to string text to display
  valueToString: function (value) {
    return some_function(value);
  // a display component that accept tree value as props 
  valueToDisplay: component      


Your customized valueToDisplay will get the following props:

Name type Description
value Object, String the value to be displayed
select Function (no args) the method to select the tree node
isRoot Boolean whether the node is a root node or not
isFold Boolean whether the node is folded or not
isSelected Boolean whether the node is selected or not
hasChildren Boolean whether the node has children or not


# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build





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  • kdepp